4 bolts u can get a Porsche engine in that

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Mar 30, 2011
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In 6 years of ownership this had never happened to me but. Yesterday I was bolting the clutch back in when a guy walked past and started chatting.

“Original engine”?
Why bother mate waste of time
No I like it, nostalgia, chilled out on the road etc
You do know you can put a Porsche engine in that box on wheels don’t you? Same four bolts mate.
Yes I had heard that
Way forward mate look into it, anyway got to go

I did smile. I am now truly an air cooled owner I have done my baptism and come through the other side without laughing. Killing someone or ripping into them.
Congratulations on the self restraint. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I on the other hand could not bite my tongue, which subsequently gave the person a lashing. :lol: :lol: :lol:

J & P
:D :D :D
:D :D
I like to tell Porsche owners "you do know you can put a camper engine in that right?"
Just for karmic balance :msn4:
I’ve only had it happen once in 11 yrs. I was out on a Friday night and destroyed a bmw 325i Coming off a round about, he came round the outside so I floored it and he couldn’t keep with me :msn4: He followed me into the KFC car park, come over and shook my hand :lol: then asked if it had a Porsche engine lol

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