Recent content by Charlie Bubbles

Early Bay Forum

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  1. C

    USA Trip Help

    Hey Billy, When are you taking this trip? Are you stuck on a 69 only? I am 5 hrs north of San Diego but would help if I can. Cheers Todd
  2. C

    1641cc v 1700 pancake

    Go with the type 4 if you don`t mind ever being able to find new parts for them. The added HP is not worth the hassle for me. Though I have never owned one. Helping out in my friends shop back in the 80`s he would always curse when a 72 or newer customers bus came in. Sure he made money but it...
  3. C

    Stranger in my house?

    Oh Yea! I am not going to change anything. Except mechanical stuff. The SC was gifted to me on the condition I will never paint it. It may get a big motor and some all terrain tires sometime. Thanks for looking.
  4. C

    Stranger in my house?

    So... the saga continues. It has been a few months. I am not real good at keeping a journal of things , even if its a few pics. And Its such a hassle for me to do the techy shit. But I do have a couple of updated pics. The pink slip arrived in the mail today. Yeah... Without further delay...
  5. C

    Good door seals-what glue to use?

    I use a product called "Gasgasinch". Gives you time to install and adjust and the excess peels off easily.
  6. C

    cvs and gearbox reconnection, reinstall

    I prefer mounting the gearbox first the the axles. That graphite grease has a way of migrating if I am not careful with it. :)
  7. C

    Last minute help please.

    Not that this any help for you, But I guess that I am ahead of the curve as I never lower any of my busses. :D
  8. C

    Anyone else having probs with rocker gaskets?

    Try this:" onclick=";return false; I have the oilcap, and sump plate gaskets. I have not run out of the cork valve cover gaskets yet as I tend to buy these in bulk. But when I do this is the way to go. And there are new factory covers and bales...
  9. C

    Electronic Ignition...again

    Shag the Pertronix. They just do the best advertising. Comp-U-Fire USA. They can be damaged by wiring incorrectly. I have put on tens of thousands of miles on mine and I just carry a spare set up. They are still a bargain. And setting points in a bus is overrated.
  10. C

    Whats the most pain in the a$$ job on your bus?

    The most dreaded is the cv joints and boots. Anything to do with cleaning the old leaked oil and gravel mix that has attached itself to the trans and engine.
  11. C

    Cheeky I know but another quick Vespa related question

    Easy off oven cleaner. Don`t leave it on too long.
  12. C

    Opinions please people: Filler in the front panel

    Haven`t you guys heard" Bog is good". :lol: But really ...If there are holes wuth bog coming through, then its been there for a long time. It was just the standard practice of body repair. Now we all give a shit. That was not the case decades ago. If its not rusty, Leave it alone. They are not...
  13. C

    V W Engine another use

    That thing is bitchin!
  14. C

    Front brake imbalance.

    I just love a happy ending. :D
  15. C

    Serpentine Pulley System

    Sounds like that might be a good thing for a race car. My bus gets used for travel and I would hate to be on the road and need some exotic part. When after all, the simplicity of a VW engine is the beauty of it. To pull 8000 rpm there is a lot more that has been changed than the pulleys.