Recent content by Martin L

Early Bay Forum

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  1. M

    1967 Neptune Blue Deluxe

    See you there Sat. Not worth washing mine then!?
  2. M


    I'm going. Went last year......and have been looking forward to this one from the minute I left last year. Meeting some friends from Stafford (maybe 9 of them) at Warwick services on M40 then all travelling down together. Most getting Ferry, couple getting Train and meeting up other side. I'm...
  3. M

    1967 Neptune Blue Deluxe

    You must have the patience of a Saint.
  4. M

    Help!!! Engine Won't idle!

    Crisis averted. Took idle jet out and cleaned......running fine now. Just being a Mary and panicking!!! Really looking forward to Ninove next weekend and would have been more than gutted to have missed it. Thanks for advice everyone.
  5. M

    Help!!! Engine Won't idle!

    Solex 30 PICT 2 Flamethrower Coil Electronic points Standard HT leads I'm leaning towards fuel problem, maybe blocked jet!
  6. M

    Help!!! Engine Won't idle!

    No. Since putting engine back in after rebuild have been driving it twice a week, getting a few miles on it before heading to Belgium. Has been absolutely fine on every drive. Not touched /messed with anything and yesterday morning once off choke will not tickover! Worst timing..... my B'day...
  7. M

    Help!!! Engine Won't idle!

    Re built engine over Christmas. Have done around 300 miles trouble free driving so far. Got it out yesterday, will not tickover! Any ideas where to start first.....going to Ninove Friday! Hopefully.
  8. M

    Ninove 2025

    Main cruise doesn't set off until 09.00 so you should be there in plenty of time.
  9. M

    Ninove 2025

    As Clem said, VW's parked everywhere. Train station has a good sized car park too.
  10. M

    Pre 79 Aircooled Event. Early Bay Line Up?

    I'm going. Taking my Notch. Can get the other half to take the Bus. Have been the last 2 years. Nice little meet/show. First time they are putting camping on, new venue.
  11. M

    Shows for 2025

    I was at Skegvegas last year, I drove my '64 Notch and my Mrs drove my Bay, I think we were camped about 40yds from you. I met Ozzie and another person briefly for a quick chat. I might go to Techenders as a day trip......I live about 20 min from there.
  12. M

    Shows for 2025

    Booked tickets for Classics at the Clubhouse in June, Pre '79 in July, SkegVegas in Aug. May do Grahams Campout in June and WBC Spring Campout April. Doing Stanford, but not camping.
  13. M

    My '69 Bay

    Cheers. Not all DIY......had a friend do the rebuild. He takes on 3 or 4 engines a year to rebuild over the Winter months when it's too cold and dark outside. Every thing else was me.....that's why there's a problem with the accelerator cable!
  14. M

    My '69 Bay

    Nice dry sunny day here yesterday so took Bus out for its first drive with rebuilt engine. 10 miles trouble free. Tickover was a bit high, but noticed accelerator tube through fanhousing wasn't sitting right when I got back. All good now. Sunny again today, another drive out this afternoon I...
  15. M

    My '69 Bay

    It does, and gives me room on my workbench and garage floor now it's back together. Few local runs out then off to Midland Aircooled show at Gaydon with it.