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Early Bay Forum

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  1. Mechanoid

    Fresh engine build damaged after 800miles (engine builder refusing to fix under warranty)

    From your photo's I can't say categorically what caused the failure but my thoughts are these: If the engine overheated, why aren't the bores seized up? That is usually the first indication of overheating. They don't even look discoloured let alone scored. The failure to me looks like the...
  2. Mechanoid

    Balls - I think my gearbox is acting up!

    If you do go down the road of repairing the gearbox. John Walklett is your man. My gearbox started to sound like a WW2 truck whining away under load. It was a bad output bearing that had also worn the case so it had to be re-machined and a bush fitted. A...
  3. Mechanoid

    Rear valance

    Mine is a '69 with four bolts. The removable valance was stopped when they stopped using the type 1 'Dog House' fan housing. Probably 1973.
  4. Mechanoid

    Guess What?

    That's it! Rip out the cooker and install decks!
  5. Mechanoid

    Guess What?

    OMG! You'll be fitting a Billy Bookcase in your bus next! :LOL:
  6. Mechanoid

    Bottle Jack adapter…

    I normally use either a bottle jack or trolley jack on the chassis/outrigger joint like others on here. However, on the occasion that I had a puncture, I found that the bottle jack that I normally take with me is too high to get under the chassis with a flat tyre. I also have the original jack...
  7. Mechanoid

    Van won't start !!

    Yeah Wookie, we'd love an update on what you found.
  8. Mechanoid

    Vehicle diagnostic tool

    I was thinking on an Early Bay exhaust. I suppose you would have to weld an 18mm socket onto the bottom of the silencer, (muffler). That way you would get a mix of gasses from all cylinders.
  9. Mechanoid

    Vehicle diagnostic tool

    Interesting! Where in the exhaust system did you install the O2 sensor? I assume it is in the silencer unit?
  10. Mechanoid

    Belly Pans - Are They Necessary?

    Apologies! Miss-read what you typed, Other than that what I said is correct.
  11. Mechanoid

    Fuel Hose and the dreaded E10

    Copper is not a good idea. It can work harden with vibration and crack. Stainless is better but can also crack after a prolonged period.
  12. Mechanoid

    Belly Pans - Are They Necessary?

    Not strictly true! Mine has never had belly pans! Only the front pan under the pedals! Oh! just to say that mine is a tin top so maybe that makes a difference!
  13. Mechanoid

    What Oil ? ? ?

    No, that's fine! "You do you", as they say! :)
  14. Mechanoid

    What Oil ? ? ?

    Well, all I can say in answer to that is my 1600sp has been running on SAE 30 and latterly on 5 w 30 since 1983 with no problems.
  15. Mechanoid

    What Oil ? ? ?

    Why! Why give your cat caviar when it is quite happy with kitty kat!