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  1. M

    Fuel Gauge voltage regulator required?

    Thanks very much, that seems to have solved it - a new earth wire and all is well. I say that but trying to get it running today and we suddenly have a new sound in the engine bay. Running roughly, won't stay running, then suddenly a popping followed by a loud humming, running noise on...
  2. M

    Fuel Gauge voltage regulator required?

    Evening all, We have a cross over bay and have fitted a new tube type fuel sender unit. It works but is not dead accurate. When the headlamps are turned on the gauge goes to full first then back to zero, where it stays whilst the lights are on. Might an aftermarket voltage regulator (as sold...
  3. M

    Fuel guage issues

    Not silly at all! It should be part of the loom, which runs from the dash all the way to back of the van underneath. We could only find one loom available when we did the replacement, without paying huge amounts to have one specially made, so it wasn't an exact match. We must have used the...
  4. M

    1972 Devon Moonraker Table Stowage

    Agreed, the manual states it goes under the rear cushion. It is only needed if you want to transform the interior seating into the high level double bed, or for use outside, but it weighs a ton so I don't carry it around.