Hortz says it is back tomorrow. Facebook.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/612078785581421/612172428905390/?notif_t=group_comment_reply" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Hi all. This bug is now sold to the first person to view her. Thank you for all your enquiries ( even the silly ones). could a mod please tag it as sold. Thanks
And to the guy who asked if all 1960's Beetles should be aircooled? You need to read more!
Hi all.
I took this in as part of a deal I did swapping my bay for a LT50 camper.
It is a 68/9 bug with full mot ( last saturday) 8 month's tax and it is ready to drive away.
Good stuff...
All solid except the bit of work needed on the gutters ( not bad but need doing asap )
Drives like...
Back then I had an early xover with the upgraded lights.
This one -
Where is it now?
Edit.. NNP 841K Just in case anyone ever googles the registration.
Stanford hall this weekend. We do look brighter guys..
Keep it friendly it's just a bit of fun, you had a superb line up, well done to all who put up a bus for inspection.
Stolen from myvanway's pics of Sunday's meet.
I'm saying -- Sunshine ;)
Well thanks all, The blog made 20000 hits yesterday. some think it's crud, others think it is great, However 20k hit's spur me on. Thanks again. Malc :D
http://poptop2.blogspot.co.uk/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Another tongue in cheek look at vw history ;)
It's pretty much fact btw.
http://poptop2.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/how-beetle-and-my-bay-are-related.html?zx=b7418628b6b0acb9" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Ignore the adult content warning - it is because there is a couple of naked lady's on the sight, Just don't click on the dreamtime posts. the other bit's are ok. no ****ys.
Tongue in cheek btw.. :)