Recent content by poptop2

Early Bay Forum

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  1. poptop2

    Anyone know what's up with the late bay?

    Poppy's late bay refuge place. fb 60 odd of us there mate!
  2. poptop2

    Anyone know what's up with the late bay?

    Hortz says it is back tomorrow. Facebook." onclick=";return false;
  3. poptop2

    68/69 bug for sale 12 month's mot 8 months tax ready to go.

    Hi all. This bug is now sold to the first person to view her. Thank you for all your enquiries ( even the silly ones). could a mod please tag it as sold. Thanks And to the guy who asked if all 1960's Beetles should be aircooled? You need to read more!
  4. poptop2

    68/69 bug for sale 12 month's mot 8 months tax ready to go.

    Hi all. I took this in as part of a deal I did swapping my bay for a LT50 camper. It is a 68/9 bug with full mot ( last saturday) 8 month's tax and it is ready to drive away. Good stuff... All solid except the bit of work needed on the gutters ( not bad but need doing asap ) Drives like...
  5. poptop2

    Spot the difference,

    :mrgreen: :D
  6. poptop2

    Spot the difference,

    Back then I had an early xover with the upgraded lights. This one - Where is it now? Edit.. NNP 841K Just in case anyone ever googles the registration.
  7. poptop2

    Spot the difference,

    Stanford hall this weekend. We do look brighter guys.. Keep it friendly it's just a bit of fun, you had a superb line up, well done to all who put up a bus for inspection. Stolen from myvanway's pics of Sunday's meet. I'm saying -- Sunshine ;)
  8. poptop2

    Found: the owner of my bus for over 30 years

    Excellent stuff. Make me wonder where my first van is now. :D
  9. poptop2

    Ozziedog Goes Topless

    Glad you're ok Oz. was the beer cooler ok? ;)
  10. poptop2

    I've been bloggin a bit !

    Well thanks all, The blog made 20000 hits yesterday. some think it's crud, others think it is great, However 20k hit's spur me on. Thanks again. Malc :D" onclick=";return false;
  11. poptop2

    I've been bloggin a bit !

    Another tongue in cheek look at vw history ;) It's pretty much fact btw." onclick=";return false;
  12. poptop2

    I've been bloggin a bit !

    Ignore the adult content warning - it is because there is a couple of naked lady's on the sight, Just don't click on the dreamtime posts. the other bit's are ok. no ****ys. Tongue in cheek btw.. :)"...
  13. poptop2

    I've been bloggin a bit !

    The bug diary.." onclick=";return false;
  14. poptop2

    I've been bloggin a bit !

    Yep, top bloke.
  15. poptop2

    A few pointers needed when viewing a bug please.

    Thanks all. some good advice there. :)