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    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 replied to the thread Fuel leak??.
      Got a new gasket on order. Thanks for the help 🤙
    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 reacted to sparkywig's post in the thread Fuel leak?? with Like Like.
      It's your cap gasket that's leaking. That's not a retaining ring, it's the top of the fuel filler neck. If you look at the pic I posted...
    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 reacted to Darren2030's post in the thread Fuel leak?? with Like Like.
      I had this happen to me once when I filled up with fuel I didn’t put the cap on tight enough I’ve got the same fuel cap as you also, I...
    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 replied to the thread Fuel leak??.
      Ah nice! Thats really helpful, thanks. I’ll try replacing the gasket and see how it goes. I’ve driven it 5 miles this morning and...
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    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 replied to the thread Fuel leak??.
    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 posted the thread Fuel leak?? in Technical.
      Whilst driving, I’ve been smelling petrol for a little while but only inside the bus. I’ve been stopping and looking in the engine bay...
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    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 reacted to Martin L's post in the thread My '69 Bay with Like Like.
      I have been on here for a few years now and finally getting round to starting a thread. I have put up a few posts/pics......help needed...
    • Theworm71
      Hello. I’m looking for an external sun visor. Can be any colour and any condition. Preferably with all the fixings but not a problem if...
    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 replied to the thread Rocker gaskets.
      These ones still use the bail arms so it was fairly straightforward to swap over. Would you use the blue hylomar on cork gaskets? Its...
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    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 replied to the thread Rocker gaskets.
      Only read this after fitting. Left them for about 15mins before starting the engine. Seems to be okay 🤞
    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 reacted to gas1man's post in the thread Rocker gaskets with Like Like.
      After putting them on, leave them overnight to bed in before you start the engine. It worked for me, but I am sure others will say...
    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 replied to the thread Rocker gaskets.
      Both new rocker covers and cork gaskets are fitted, oil topped up and engine run for a few minutes. All seems well, no drips or gushing...
    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 reacted to sparkywig's post in the thread Rocker gaskets with Like Like.
      Make sure the rocker covers are actually flat, bend the bail arms to get a little more tension, and buy some thicker gaskets from here...
    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 replied to the thread Rocker gaskets.
      Thanks. I’ll give everything a good clean and fit them dry I think. I just need them to work for the rest of the trip until I can sort...
    • Theworm71
      Theworm71 reacted to creationblue's post in the thread Rocker gaskets with Like Like.
      I used to just fit them dry when I had a type 1 motor and they worked. I've heard stories of porous cork gasket on the market causing...
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