Volksworld Show 18-19 March 2023

Early Bay Forum

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Staff member
Oct 5, 2006
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Sorry, I'm a bit late posting this.

Anyone who want to join the Early Bay line up in the rear red brick area this year, drop me a PM and I'll send you a link to club tickets.
Saled close on March 2nd, so don't delay ...

You have to be in place from around 0830 till the end of the show both days. You can move your van (to sleep in etc) overnight but zero movement whilst the public are in the show.

Its a nice way to be part of the event, chat to folk about your bus and also have a 'base' through the weekend or day.

Hit me up.
Bookings actually close at midnight on March 5th. Still time ...
are we parking up in the same spot as last year
Sorry Mike, can't do it this year so won't be there.
I’ll get final information shortly but yes, normal rules I believe. 0830 ish by the green gates close to the Lodge Hotel place.
If anyone has tickets and fancies rocking up to join the display then please get in touch. Note - we have to be in and parked no later than 0830.
What to say?

The impetus seems to have gone out of attending line ups and displays in the last few years. People have been there and done that and things change. All understandable.

We used to get free passes to display, we now get a few quid knocked off the ticket price. It also means committing for full days. As an example - Saturday meant being in place by 0830 and not being able to leave until 1800 hrs. The weather was iffy and attendance all round was quiet so it’s fair to say it was a long day.
I wasn’t there today but gather it was quiet - always is on Mothers Day and it’s also just a week after many attended Ninove.

Thanks in any case to Boycie, EgoTrippin’ Steve and radish Darius. :)
Thank Mike - I did wonder as much and my bus is still off the road so I couldnt have helped make up the numbers. It was quiet today and the show didnt have the same buzz as some years...it was still very good though :)
Thank Mike - I did wonder as much and my bus is still off the road so I couldnt have helped make up the numbers. It was quiet today and the show didnt have the same buzz as some years...it was still very good though :)
Yeah, for the reduced traders, clubs and attendees , the quality of cars there is simply stunning.
What to say?

The impetus seems to have gone out of attending line ups and displays in the last few years. People have been there and done that and things change. All understandable.

We used to get free passes to display, we now get a few quid knocked off the ticket price. It also means committing for full days. As an example - Saturday meant being in place by 0830 and not being able to leave until 1800 hrs. The weather was iffy and attendance all round was quiet so it’s fair to say it was a long day.
I wasn’t there today but gather it was quiet - always is on Mothers Day and it’s also just a week after many attended Ninove.

Thanks in any case to Boycie, EgoTrippin’ Steve and radish Darius. :)
I thought the whole place felt quieter than last year.
In the car parks and the displays.

Crappy weather and then Mother’s Day doesn’t help I’m sure.
I popped in yesterday afternoon - mostly for the 'awards ceremony' as my mates cabrio was 'in the running' - he got a top 20 award but should have got the 'pro builders choice' if you ask me (but then I'm a bit bias :)

I was also somewhat shocked/disappointed as the lack of earlybay's in attendance. I know it's a ballache to have your bus there early - and to commit to the full day/weekend (I've done it twice now in my bus - and that was when I was local). If things had worked out differently for me, my bus would have been there (maybe next year?). Though, I'm guessing that our invite might be pulled for next year unless we can put a show of strength?

As for the show - it was amazing seeing the race-car shops bugs in person! As for the rest of the show... The 'kept secret' cal looker was incredibly nice, and some of the split buses were 'different'. Porsches are nice, but possibly too many (were they filling gaps?). The Outlaw Flat Four display was cool. Seeing some of the old b289 cars was good too. But other than that It also seemed like there were less vehicles this year - or did they just space things out better? The splitty single cab that won best of show was very nice (although I though the Jim Dix ghia should have got it).

But as Clem said, Mother's day/Ninove etc didn't help - and nor did the entry pricing - however they did cut the entry to £11 entry after 2pm - rather than £22.
I did the VIP thing as I had some birthday cash burning a hole and actually really liked the non crowds and being able to see cars unhindered.

Race shop and chassis 26 of 30 prototype were my highlights but the cars overall were crazy good

And was tempted by Dom’s bug in JK stand, but I’d want to lower it…😂
I did the VIP thing as I had some birthday cash burning a hole and actually really liked the non crowds and being able to see cars unhindered.
I understand the concept (being in the line up gives you access pre-VIP by the way ;) ) but really, even at peak times this year the crowds didn't seem a big enough issue. Certainly, after 4.30 until 6.00 on Saturday afternoon, you could have all the space you needed.
Though, I'm guessing that our invite might be pulled for next year unless we can put a show of strength?

The splitty single cab that won best of show was very nice (although I though the Jim Dix ghia should have got it).
Dunno, we had a similar display last year and its been quiet in previous years so I think we could get a place, but its whether its actually worth it. Its a vicous circle too, I certainly can't be bothered being there all weekend for a tiny line up and so it goes. When we had a strong 20 bus display, people were dying to get in on it.

I expected the Danish secret cal look bug to win as such a fuss was made about unveiling it twice a day. Jim Dix's Ghia was superb, and it would have been nice to see it with the wheels on on the ground. Spikes' do some stellar work, as does Irvs' - we are lucky such cars are being built around us.

I have zero concept of the shows intent, whether its a stand alone profit making venture or a 'lost leader' promotional event but it must now be costing a lot of cash to put on. Years back, people moaned that the event was simply too big for Sandown but now I wonder whether its too small? Its a fab place to hold it but something has to change. My gut feeling is that the water cooled magazine side of house will have to prop things up and it will cease to be aircooled only. At that point the dynamic will shift and then, who knows? This is just suspicion though.

Maybe next year, all things being equal, we go hard early and see if we can get things back on track? It would be cool ...
Thanks Mike - there has been a shift in enthusiam - not sure why? Covid didnt help.
Do we have a show or shows that EB is stronger in ? My lad and me said we would make an effort to get the 68 back on the road and being used...
Thanks Mike - there has been a shift in enthusiam - not sure why? Covid didnt help.
Do we have a show or shows that EB is stronger in ? My lad and me said we would make an effort to get the 68 back on the road and being used...
Not really ...
Off the top of my head -

Volksworld - as discussed
Stanford Hall - last year, after Covid, I really struggled to fill the line up. I didn't book a pitch this year.
Camperjam - No line up now since they (Jazz Publishing) dropped the aircooled magazine
Vanfest - The whole event went so far watercooled it became pointless
Brighton Breeze - No longer in existence.
Dubs At The Castle - I think this is one of our strongest showings at the moment.
Bristol Volksfest - I 'think' sparkywig stopped this due to the increasing 'festival' nature of the event.
Early Bay Campout - Not being held this year
Aircooled Campout - Probably one of the largest gathering of (forum) Early bays?
Skeg Vegas - Regarded as one of the best weekend shows but I don't think it has a line up, as such?
VW Action - We had a stunning 50th anniversary line up, but struggled thereafter.
It's a shame there were so few early bays, haven't seen many pics on social media either.
I do think there's been a shift in enthusiasm for shows like this though, I certainly lost the "show vibe" a few years ago and would rather camp in a field with no event happening alongside (like the early bay/aircooled campout)
However saying that, if the deluxe had been done I would've gone to VolksWorld.

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