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  1. F

    __S_C_R_I_P_T__B_A_D_G_E_S__ Sorry no more orders

    Mine arrived today and it looks brilliant! Thank you so much Lee :)
  2. F

    __S_C_R_I_P_T__B_A_D_G_E_S__ Sorry no more orders

    Excellent! Thank you for doing this :)
  3. F

    __S_C_R_I_P_T__B_A_D_G_E_S__ Sorry no more orders

    Excellent! I can't wait to get mine :) xx
  4. F

    __S_C_R_I_P_T__B_A_D_G_E_S__ Sorry no more orders

    Thanks Trowel! Payment sent and the pics looks brill :mrgreen:
  5. F

    __S_C_R_I_P_T__B_A_D_G_E_S__ Sorry no more orders

    Hi, Just in case I'm not too late 19) D_A_I_S_Y Thanks Farrantini
  6. F

    __S_C_R_I_P_T__B_A_D_G_E_S__ Sorry no more orders

    Hiya, Sorry me too! Am I too late? xx
  7. F

    New to EarlyBay ? Say Hi here ...

    Hi Ozziedog, I just about managed to get your subtle hint and was about to post a pic of Daisy but I have tried to attach a pic but an error comes up saying the board attachment quota has been reached :shock: so I can't. Sorry!! xx
  8. F

    Wanted - front cab seats

    Bugger .... never mind!
  9. F

    New to EarlyBay ? Say Hi here ...

    Hi All, Just bought my first van, a 1972 Bay called Daisy. I love her already!! Looking forward to learning all about VW's from the experts :D xx
  10. F

    Wanted - front cab seats

    Down on the sunny south coast in Bognor Regis! Where abouts are you?
  11. F

    Wanted - front cab seats

    Ooops - sorry forgot to say that Daisy is a 1972 T2. If I had a brain I would be dangerous .... :roll:
  12. F

    Wanted - front cab seats

    Hi everyone, My other half and I have very recently bought our first ever van and I am super excited to get Daisy up and running ready for the new season. She's currently getting some welding and rust patches sorted to make her even more beautiful but I am after some original cab seats as the...