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  1. LittlestHobo

    electrical advice needed..

    well i asked the guy i bought it from which lead went onto the +ve battery terminal and he said black.....i used the red one when i tried starting up for the first time...i think im also going to get a current tester and try some of the tests for shorts and open circuits that have been...
  2. LittlestHobo

    electrical advice needed..

    sorry, another plonka question....the oil preassure switch, should it have a lead plugged into it right? (it looks like it)...the manual should be here by wednesday... im kiind if thinking that the lead at the.back.of the distributor cap maybe left over from movving the coil for that darned...
  3. LittlestHobo

    electrical advice needed..

    Hi Thanks for that have some pics which may help... there are already wires that go to the coil..the one on the back of the distributor cap doesn't fit The green lead is the homeless lead in question... Plus another close up, also the black wire connected at the bottom of the picture, what...
  4. LittlestHobo

    electrical advice needed..

    Thanks for the advice guys....right I've replaced the burnt out wires, turns out only two needed replacing. I have found a lead that comes out of the back of the distributor cap its about 8" in length, is covered in like a string cover and appears to have nothing to plug into. Any ideas?
  5. LittlestHobo

    ooohhh me nuts

    cheers guys, got myself to halfords....
  6. LittlestHobo

    Advice please for a newbie

    I found this helpful... good luck!
  7. LittlestHobo

    ooohhh me nuts

    My nuts appear to be too well as this problem, the standard wheel brace from my car doesn't fit the wheel nuts properly. The wheel nuts appear to 19mm the brace is bigger... is this standard do I need to get a special vw wheel brace?
  8. LittlestHobo

    electrical advice needed..

    Cheers Sparky, some of the frazzle melted other wire coatings as well so I'll need to replace them, hence the junction box... Hopefully I'll get things running at the weekend...
  9. LittlestHobo

    electrical advice needed..

    Looks like the damage isn't as bad as first thought...after some more digging it turns out the red burnt out alternator lead doubled back and ended up at the starter motor, so the burn out is limited from the alternator to the starter motor (don't know what its done to either of these yet) so...
  10. LittlestHobo

    electrical advice needed..

    Thanks Sparky, very decent of actually in winchester...ill do some more digging around and let you know what i find....seen the samba wire diagrams about to order some wire length....anything special i should order? beers, food or even cash happily available for any help...
  11. LittlestHobo

    electrical advice needed..

    Cheers Sparky with that name I thought you were going to be my saviour! Yeah the aircon, not really needed, I'll probably take it out at some point when I know a bit more to be honest... Based in hampshire if anyone is near southampton. I'd like to try and have a go at it myself if possible...
  12. LittlestHobo

    electrical advice needed..

    I think the starter motor earth is ok I will double check though... (though I had to google where the starter motor is - incase you havent gathered this is all new to me...) there was a wire loose at the front of the engine below the fly wheel, blue one, it may have come loose from my...
  13. LittlestHobo

    New Arrival

    you'll be alright, I think the five one nine bus goes to Java, I'll give him a call and tell him to pop the kettle on... On a more serious note, he may be able to het them made up, (just the covers) and sent out quite cheaply....
  14. LittlestHobo

    electrical advice needed..

    Thanks guys, here is a pic of how the battery was wired up before I bough/imported t it, when it arrived in the country it didn't have a bat so I wired the red plus the other wire to +, and black to -. The van didn't run, chust chugged on the key, then created alot of smoke and melting...
  15. LittlestHobo

    electrical advice needed..

    Right, somehow i've shorted the wiring on my bus (turns out that in indonesia where I bought the van red must be negative and black positive, either that or soemthing really freaky happenned) So my visible damage is melted wires coming from the alternator (think its the laternator). Is there...
  16. LittlestHobo

    the stone roses hype

    I saw there last ever gig, with some bloke from simply red on the giutar, it was shocking....truley aweful... I'll be getting tickets when they announce more dates though...(unfortunately the manc gig is a week after my wedding - couldn't see her wearing that one..) I've seen Ian Brown live a...
  17. LittlestHobo

    New Arrival

    cheers guys, not slammed yet but its on the wish list....need to sort this wiring f*ck up out first so i can get it started!
  18. LittlestHobo

    New Arrival

    The bus was from Indonesia, think the guy had them done out there, I can find out for you if you like?
  19. LittlestHobo

    New Arrival

    and every step i take.... some pics as promised... So the fun was getting dark when I got home with a new battery last night... connected the red wire to the positive plus the other wire it was taped to, connected the black wire to the negative....jumped into cab shaking...
  20. LittlestHobo

    Anyone done a music festival in their bus ?

    Did Bestival in a hired bus, knocking on a bit these days and had the missus for her first festival, so it seemed a more civilised option than knocking around with the hoy paloy (10 years of glastonbury in a tent, sheet, cardboard box or just generally where ever i fell has knocked it out of...