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  1. R

    Searching for my Grandads Bus

    It was sold on just after he died in 2000 as nobody at the time was able to take on looking after a bus
  2. R

    Wanted '72 Devon Reg OAB 129K

    Thanks that helps since it would appear the bus has changed colours since last I saw it. Might help me to notice it if I see it cheers
  3. R

    Searching for my Grandads Bus

    Back in the day my Grandad owned a 1972 Devon reg OAB 129K. Would love to be able to track this down and bring it back into the family. Hope someone may be able to point me in it's direction. Many Thanks
  4. R

    Wanted '72 Devon Reg OAB 129K

    Hope someone can help me find this van. It belonged to my grandad back in the day, now would love the oppurtunity to track him down and bring him back into the family.