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Early Bay Forum

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  1. Marvel

    Alive 'N' VDubbin Jimmy's Farm Ipswich 7th, 8th, 9th June'13

    Well the theme is Rhubarb and Custard and its Onesie night on Saturday! I don't have a onesie but I do have a flannelette nightie.........don't ask! :msn4:
  2. Marvel

    Hayburner Magazine.

    I subscribed last week and got the latest copy on Saturday. Quality mag guys.
  3. Marvel

    Help 4" too big

    Evil Bens is just outside of Truro and Transporthaus is in Penryn
  4. Marvel

    Alive 'N' VDubbin Jimmy's Farm Ipswich 7th, 8th, 9th June'13

    I'll be round and about all weekend. I'll also be in my deerstalker
  5. Marvel

    Help 4" too big

    MisterListerSir, where about are you? T2D are just outside of Cambridge who can do all kinds of drops from mild to wild, there are others about that offer the same service or kit to do it yourself. PS Jim Bexley Speed is my hero!
  6. Marvel

    Steel braided fuel line

    /\/\ WHS /\/\ This massive paranoia about fuel lines is crazy. If I remember correctly it stems from a shoddy batch of lines sold by a major supplier. As long as you know the history of your lines, don't worry about it. I do agree that if they are braded then it may hide problems, but as Trikky...
  7. Marvel

    It's bought not brought !

    Surely it's important if it changes the meaning of the sentence?
  8. Marvel

    It's bought not brought !

  9. Marvel

    Van burnout goes a bit wrong
  10. Marvel

    It's bought not brought !

    Pedants unite!!! Can I add Their, there and they're Apostrophes in the wrong place Slack spelling Text typing/speaking/grammar
  11. Marvel

    Alive 'N' VDubbin Jimmy's Farm Ipswich 7th, 8th, 9th June'13

    Nope, just general camping.
  12. Marvel

    Alive v dubbin jimmys farm

    Why's this in Gallery?
  13. Marvel

    Alive 'N' VDubbin Jimmy's Farm Ipswich 7th, 8th, 9th June'13

    So who is going then? I always like to hook up with EB members for a chinwag and put faces to names. So far it looks like Me ( and a couple of mates) s&mbay Simo
  14. Marvel

    Early bay newbie

    That is pretty frickin' cool 8)
  15. Marvel


    :tongue0022: :tongue0022: You even looked for her on FB.............and I'm the dirty dog? I would never do that :msn4:
  16. Marvel

    WTD: Rear Tinware

    Heater hoses don't go through those bits Kank. It's the part with the round holes I guess he needs
  17. Marvel


    And the model is kinda quirky pretty with great legs!
  18. Marvel

    More accelerator cable problems.

    It goes through the hole where that big bolt is.