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  1. easy

    Best upgrades

    My must haves are - A decent full stainless Exhaust system, will save you **** loads in the long run Front disks better beam - Narrowed and adjustable weedeater a decent carb - Weber 34icts is a good cheeky upgrade for better fuel and a bit more grunt. Adjustable rear spring plates Wiring check...
  2. easy

    Merry Chrimbo

    Happy Christmas All! may all your Buses start in the new year :love::geek:
  3. easy

    Winter storage

    Mines always been garaged, it does have slight air flow from the gap under the door lol, its keep and a great temperature, mainly due to the battery and invertor is in there for our solar panels, so it never gets cold enough to condensate and stays at a great temp. Huzzah! :p
  4. easy

    Winter work thread

    Im cracking on with stuff atm, full service done, new seat belts, done, new windscreen wash switch and pipes - in progress. Also a general tidy up of the front cab, including seat removal and possible new trim, but will have to see what it looks like after a good clean up! :)
  5. easy

    How far do your cab doors open?

    Same as my 70, that seems uber wide (y)
  6. easy

    CB Radio

    100%!! Also it changes depending on where it sits on the bus, the radio field will change more forward at the front (better range out the front of the bus) I try to have my magmount with aerial between a 1/3 and a half way on my bus roof in the centre, this seems best for chat in a convoy. As...
  7. easy

    Auto Electrician Bristol Wanted

  8. easy

    Auto Electrician Bristol Wanted

    Hi Guys n Gals, im after an auto electrician in the Bristol area that will basically tidy up the wiring under my dash! its not to bad, but would love someone to take a day and relace old wires n fuses etc. and clean up connectors and all that. Do you know anyone? Can you reccomend anyone? Any...
  9. easy

    1967 Neptune Blue Deluxe

  10. easy

    CB Radio

    I also have a 6ft whip aerial which mag mounts to the about 2/3rds up the front of the bus to get the best signal forward and back, great signal!
  11. easy

    CB Radio

    Ive had a cb in mine for years, defo swr the aerial in before use and it can make a huge difference. They are great whilst travelling in convoy, also goo dto listen in on farmers n truckers when your stuck in traffic. Ive got a midland one with the speaker built into the under side, moounts...
  12. easy

    Other than a Bay..

    I would love to own a karmann Gypsy, nearly bought one, didnt, regeretted it!
  13. easy

    Your kitchen units

    This is mine, its a devon interior made out of 3 far gone interiors to make one decent one, the cooker unit took the longest to make good out of 3 different ones, but all original cooker in there and hear shroud. The seat is used for storage and of course sitting on, but is fully removable if...
  14. easy

    What's on your list ?

    Will take some pics of mine this week end (y)
  15. easy

    Mot feelings.

    I dont have one on mine as its not needed nowadays! i keep up with all the maintenance and is always serviced at least once a year, so save myself the torture!
  16. easy

    What's on your list ?

    You can mount an aerial behind the passnger set on the bulk head, it extends up behind the seat when need to the roof and can be hidden behind it when not in use (y)
  17. easy

    What's on your list ?

    Just get the magnetic strip light ones from Amazon, do a great job and you can move them round :)
  18. easy

    What's on your list ?

    So did i for a week, then was about to pick it up and the guy refunded me as he wanted to keep it :cry:
  19. easy

    What's on your list ?

    1. Buy a Fridolin...
  20. easy

    Fresh engine build damaged after 800miles (engine builder refusing to fix under warranty)

    Thats shocking, sorry to hear that. personally i would be going back and asking for a new engine. Believe me i would get a new engine....