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  1. radish

    Earlybay Campout - Lack of interest this year?

    I've got other things on this Graham, it was enjoyable last year even with a little rain in the evening.
  2. radish

    Volksworld Show 2019

    Hi clem I got the email today. It's on my work email so I'll send it to you later. Darius
  3. radish

    VoWo Spares Day

    A few mates went and said it was pretty dead. I go to a couple of jumbles at ardingly each year but it only costs 3 quid to get in so i don't know where they got the 14 quid pricing from, it only cost 16 for vowo show! Saying that i have seen a few people on face book picked up some treasures...
  4. radish

    For sale Creative Weedeater Beam

    That looks like a creative seedeater, it's not original. well made beam though.
  5. radish

    Fiberglass top colour?

    I painted mine in L90D satin and it looks good.
  6. radish

    Brighton Breeze 2018

    Brighton Breeze use to be amazing when the arches were in use, as the traders were mainly VW. Myself and a few mates always use to have a stall that had parts we had gathered over the year and picnic **** my missus had picked up at the car boots, but the closer and the insurance SSVC required...
  7. radish

    Brighton Breeze 2018

    If there are any free tickets i will fill a hole, as i live here it's to pricey for me to park down the beach for the day..
  8. radish

    Well done Halfords

    The service is good until they discontinue a product as i have found out, i have a fine tooth 1/2" ratchet which has bust and they can only offer me the standard ratchet replacement which i already have 2 of.
  9. radish

    Mk1 Golf cabriolet 1.6GL
  10. radish

    002 gearbox flange wanted

    Just 1 required? who's got one?
  11. radish


    i'll post them on here later matey.
  12. radish


    Change of plan so it up for sale Sam ratios as AH box, came out of a running car. I've steam cleaned it so ready to use after an oil change, Maybe do the seals before install. It's in Brighton but I can post for £20 £200
  13. radish

    ARB Awning

    Hi all has anyone got an ARB awning on their bus? Cheers
  14. radish

    Another white westy - Busted again!

    Used it again this weekend sparky. Maybe it's just t work then I can't see them.
  15. radish

    Another white westy - Busted again!

    what happened to my photo's? i thought the photobucket issue was resolved? Anyway update without photo's is I've put a new canvas on the roof and painted the roof in a matt L90D iv'e also used the bus loads without breaking down!!
  16. radish

    Mk1 Golf cabriolet 1.6GL i'm open to offers on this but no px or swaps. Cheers Darius
  17. radish

    VW Action - Early Bay Line Up - 31 Aug to 2 Sept 2018

    Clem i might go again can't confirm just yet. Do you know if the entertainment is the same 80's wedding reception style affair? oh yes and that fella on the pa all weekend??
  18. radish

    Solar panel

    I did think about a flexi panel but hook it to the pop top when its up as i didn't want to stick it to the roof. They are great a few mate have eriba's and use them.
  19. radish

    Solar panel

    Cheers for the photos. i use my rack all the time so i am looking at a portable one. I did ask about them last year but still haven't got round to sorting it.