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  1. S

    LHD Cali Panel Van With Camper Interior.

    AD refreshed, new price and options. Also on the ebay if you want to have a look there.
  2. S

    Fitting new rubbers grrrrrrr

    Pics might help. Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  3. S

    1600sp twin carbs

    Best? What's your budget requirements etc. Dell frd would be my first choice. They are a good price point deliver good mpg a bit more go. Ict next. If an engine upgrade is on the cards consider planning for something that you can upgrade etc. SVDA dizzy works well imo Sent from my...
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    Regulator installation

    yes. but the mounting feet are meant to be negative. the red wire has worn through making it live .. yay
  5. S

    Bosch regulator

    Hi anyone upgraded there dynamo and got a regulator spare? part number 211-903-803/E 30amp 12v? Usually have 9 190 040 099e on the side. Thanks
  6. S

    Regulator installation

    after a bit of gental digging.. that'll be a new regulator then, it is fried, isolated and doesnt work :(
  7. S

    Tyres, what load rating?

    Yes for sure. I work for one of the bigger insurance companies and they have not paid out for wrong tyre load ratings even wrong load ratings of alloy wheels on cars involved in a crash . There are many factors in play when they assess the incident. Assuming a crash not theft but I'm a kill...
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    Regulator installation

    Morning. Just put in a regulator. I wired it in but noticed that the mounting feet are live +12v. Pretty sure this is wrong? I thought the mounting feet should be ground? Any one know what's going on here? Thanks. Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  9. S

    Head stud washer and nut wanted

    If you can that would be good. Annoying you can't just buy one Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
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    Head stud washer and nut wanted

    Hi all. Just bolted on my heads to find I have lost a washer and nut. Does anyone have a spare washer and nut to bolt down the heads. They are 8mm head studs and the thick washer. Could only find full sets on heritage etc. Bit overkill and expensive Thanks Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
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    Which carbs for a 1641

    Baby dell's are my fave but hard to find for a good price. Ict/ich work well and are plentiful. I Just put a ich kit together for £105 quid all in. Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
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    J tube options and advice

    best j tubes to go for are the ones with the tinware braces, these bolt up to the splash tins and keep its structure. dont wrap them as you need the heat to warm up the engine and open your stat right. The industrial engines had J tubes fitted and came with extra tine ware to close up the...
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    Late bay gearbox/EarlyBay.

    Whs ^ ? Get a new gasket on the bell housing and swap in a new input seal while there. Also check the release shaft and starter bushing then you won't need to go there again fir a while and just enjoy the sun cruising Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  14. S

    Twinport Cylinder head tins wanted

    Hi After some proper vw cylinder head tins for twinport t1. Anyone got a pair? Thanks Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
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    Crank measurments and tolerances -regrind

    ill answer my own post so others know about it. 54.97mm is the min. after that regrind with the correct bearings.
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    Are deepe sumps worth it??

    why stroker motors?
  17. S

    Are deepe sumps worth it??

    Deep sumps are to lower the mass and get the oil from mushing up in the crank and hard cornering. Take longer to heat all that a oil. But a deep sump won't cool the extra oil. Fix the issue first then add your bling Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  18. S

    Oil cooler

    Cos they just do alright. ! Will it solve anything? Probably not just mask the problem till she drops a valve. If you really just want one bolt one on. Don't bother with the plumbing.. bolt it on the front banzuke style . Kids love that ****. Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  19. S

    VW T25 camper van caravelle t3 1983

    That's a very fair price.. there does not seem to be one. Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  20. S

    Crank measurments and tolerances -regrind

    Fyi A new stock VW 1200/1600 crank at the large mains is 54.97mm to a VERY close 54.99mm Not sure what the wear limit is. 0.1 mm was mentioned but that seems huge. Typo? 0.01mm would seem better? Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk