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  1. 6

    does anything sell?

    I'm divided at mo,I have my bus on here and vzi and lots of questions but nothing really,I.dont feel alone as there seems to be others in same place due to slow market and maybe a resurgence in cheaper beetles? I didn't aim too sell my bus so soon and invested heavily and although still a...
  2. 6

    1968 neptune blue deluxe (reduced to 8k)

    Sorry I'm past the stage of pxing Thanks for the comments,you buses aren't too bad either!!!
  3. 6

    1968 neptune blue deluxe (reduced to 8k)

    Needs must unfortunately
  4. 6

    1968 neptune blue deluxe (reduced to 8k)

    Interior is the easy bit!
  5. 6

    1968 neptune blue deluxe (reduced to 8k)

    I think I read that bus ok are doing westy interiors soon
  6. 6

    1968 neptune blue deluxe (reduced to 8k)

    Offers!!!! I need it gone
  7. 6

    Rear hatch lock

    Have a rear hatch lock that I bought in mistake as I wanted engine lid lock... I was told it was nos but can't confirm It's in v.good condition 22mo94 is key code but none supplied although kk sell them My camera is dead but I can send picture if you pm me number 25 quid plus postage
  8. 6

    piece of **** (71 westy)

    And I concur with girly trainer boy :lol:
  9. 6

    1968 neptune blue deluxe (reduced to 8k)

    Still here Would take a cheap bug or cool water pumper in px if that helps
  10. 6

    Fuel gauge wanted

    Anybody have one knocking around...that works!!!! Pm me
  11. 6

    2 working CB's wanted and any recommendations.

    I have two that I got for ninove but never used One is an older audioline which is uk only and the other is as new from napkin Both sets are complete and ready to go with aerials etc Simon
  12. 6

    wanted 1776 TURNKEY ENGINE wanted

    Not mine" onclick=";return false;
  13. 6

    NOS original VWoA red tracksuit strip kit

    I was so disappointed when I didn't see an item of clothing..... :oops:
  14. 6

    Indicator Switch

    They are not cheap and unfortunately I had a ok repro that wasn't up to standard either.they popup on here,vzi and eBay regularly or pay the ridiculous amount I paid kieft em klok for a nos....
  15. 6

    New look volksworld....

    Before we start this isn't a haters thread but just an opinion on a new look Had a quick flick through earlier and it just seemed a bit dumbed down,lots of talk of where to buy parts and may I say it aimed at the big spending newbie rather than us sad souls??? Items such as Rikki James,bob...
  16. 6

    1968 neptune blue deluxe (reduced to 8k)

    New points,condenser and coil fitted today by kustomdubwerks and all running nicely again,just needs a wash and new owner... :msn4:
  17. 6

    Ninove or Bust... (2013, Freddy Files/Dropgate Delirium.)

    It was a great weekend,I saved soo much petrol on the trip
  18. 6

    1968 neptune blue deluxe (reduced to 8k)

    They would do if you removed the j tubes on engine and fitted heat exchangers,all cables and switches are fine but unused by me
  19. 6

    1968 neptune blue deluxe (reduced to 8k)

    Hi I'm located in Southend on sea I may have pics at home but I can tell you it's totally solid with all original metal It's been under sealed also Will hunt for some other pics later