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Early Bay Forum

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  1. P

    What did you do with your early bay today

    fitted a new battery, the old one was kaput ... like a couple of posts before my earth lead was knackered and had to sort it out first. Started after a bit of churning and left it to warm up :D Moving house on Friday, the removal men arent transfering the garden plant containers so filled...
  2. P

    72 Caliper replacement- which ones?

    I read somewhere that the pads not returning and squealing can be caused by the flexible hoses breaking up inside dont ask me the exact mechanical science behind it though :lol: As regards the calipers I'm not sure that new ones are available, I dont think I have ever seen any ... do check...
  3. P

    Kids Bikes Help...

    and if you plan to sell an isla bike do it at the end of November, I've been watching and the prices seem very bouyant ... must be the Christmas affect
  4. P

    Recommendation of best cycle carrier

    if you have a tow bar I'd recommend a Thule Euro Classic
  5. P

    Kids Bikes Help...

    Another recommendation for Islabikes. Although they are expensive and probably only for the serious cycling family. My boy is on his Islabikes Balance bike and he will get the next one up (smallest with pedals) soon. That said I am lucky that my serious cycling friends have children a couple...
  6. P

    1972 Bay Westfalia Campmobile sink/cooler & top locker LHD

    Looking at the number of posts the OP is not on here very often ... I'd have the rest of the sink unit "the carcase" if ever you get one. Baz
  7. P

    How sick will the Santander ferry make me??

    Just go for it, we did it this June apparently it was rough according to my wife but being ex Navy I didnt notice. :lol: If its rough the best advice is to lie down and take it easy ... that's what I always did in my navy days ... and avoid locations where other people are throwing up, the...
  8. P

    Sun Canopies

    also got a JK sun canopy - all the poles make it pretty heavy for what it is
  9. P

    Which Motor Oil to use?

    Good to hear all those positve :) :) comments on the Halfords stuff before I head out to the drive to put in in my bus. 8)
  10. P

    Which Motor Oil to use?

    I was about to start doing my own oil changes - redundancy and no job :( means own servicing from here on. I have bought a tin of the Halfords Classic Car oil about £19 for 5 litres ... dont know if its any good though :?:
  11. P

    Solar powered lighting for your van??

    thanks most helpful :) although having just agreed to buy another house today (with enough garage space for the bus) :D the solar panel might have to wait a year or two :(
  12. P

    Solar powered lighting for your van??

    and may one ask .... what can one power with one of these bad boys ? oh and how big a panel?
  13. P

    steering box

    Out of interest who did the recon?
  14. P

    Body shop recommendations in southampton area

    I got a very expensive quote from these guys for a small ding to the wing of my car over twice that what a local guy wanted to charge.
  15. P

    Struggling to fit rear bumper?!

    Wilf might be interested in your bumper ... what do you want for it? Baz
  16. P

    Stonechip paints

    try think they have stone chip on there
  17. P

    Steering Boxes

    WHS About £200 - £250 was a year ago and cant remember now. Mine came off easy :D
  18. P

    Steering Boxes

    I also had mine done by power steering OK so far but really havent done that many miles. I have no idea what they did but it doesnt knock like it did before they 'refurbed' it Baz
  19. P

    Westie OG rock n' roll bed sagging.

    Lose weight !!! ha ha :lol: :lol: :lol: