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  1. P

    WANTED Oil Filter Bracket Type 4 Engine

    Just taken my oil filter off and notice that round the thread that secures the oil filter was a load of PFTE (or similar tape) on closer examination part of the thread has been stripped, anyone got one in good condition, alternatively know where I might find one, I've had a look on the usual...
  2. P

    Road tax

    If you have got all that can't you tax it online?" onclick=";return false; They'll post it to you, but will take a few days to arrive, think my last one took about 5 days?
  3. P

    Is this colour Sierra Yellow?

    I thought it looked a bit … yellowy If you want paint mixing i think there is an auto paint place in Brighton that'll do it for you
  4. P


    Another vote for Doom Bar :) Add to the list Fursty Ferret and Hogs Back TEA :lol:
  5. P

    How close to the engine can I safely weld?

    There's always going to be a risk but cover it and have a regular look and have an extinguisher to hand. In the old days when I worked on ships we used to have a fire watcher who would stand on the other side of where we were welding to make sure nothing went up in smoke.
  6. P

    Protect sills against corrosion

    there are a number of similar cavity products take a look at" onclick=";return false; or there is the Bilthammer products. I've been using the Bilthammer stuff myself in the cavities, bottom of doors etc, but only from an aerosol.
  7. P

    Wanted: 210 mm flywheel

    Still looking … up for easter weekend.
  8. P

    I need a new trolley jack!!!

    Forgot about the poxy vat!! Delivery is free though!! :lol: I'm sure I paid less than that? This is the one I bought" onclick=";return false; it says £66 + VAT on my computer and I didn't get charged delivery...
  9. P

    Noise Killer

    had this in the back of the camper for sometime, difficult to say as have nothing to compare against.
  10. P

    I need a new trolley jack!!!

    I'm sure I paid less than that? This is the one I bought" onclick=";return false; it says £66 + VAT on my computer and I didn't get charged delivery?
  11. P

    I need a new trolley jack!!!

    I bought the 3 ton SGS one as well, (plus the rubber thing for the round bit (whatever its called)). not really used it it anger though.
  12. P

    Wanted: 210 mm flywheel

    I'm still looking for a 210mm flywheel … anyone ? iF you do please send me some pictures.
  13. P

    Gene Berg Shifters (last call)

    Just read your build thread, the wife can't find the gears so this could be the way forward … if I can get her to pay for it … so as to a group buy I might depending upon price be interested and if she can be persuaded.
  14. P

    Wanted: 210 mm flywheel

    For my crossover Replacement flywheel required. 210 mm for a 1700 Type 4 engine (CB). The old one is knackered :(
  15. P

    do many of ye actually camp in yer early bays?

    Looks like the Soca Valley … I think the wife & I walked over that bridge on our first ever holiday together :D it was raining and we got soaked :lol:
  16. P

    Washers failed MOT....Any suggestions

    That sounds a better bet than the JK kit, which came with no instructions. if I remember I had to position the pump below the water bottle … which i discovered through a process of elimination i.e. moving it after it didn't work in the first position :(
  17. P

    Washers failed MOT....Any suggestions

    If its the air pressure system likely to be a perished hose. In the end I replaced mine with an electric pump (some like these others don't)
  18. P

    Overnighting at motorway services.

    Again interested to hear how you get on, am also intrigued as to the types of places … is it mainly pubs or are there lots of other places perhaps once you have the book you could let us know. Considering joining myself as off to Scotland with the dog in June and just need some places to kip on...
  19. P

    2014 5 Month Tour of Europe - Inspiration

    Given you have put Austria on the list I would add Slovenia … we had a good driving holiday there a few years ago. I've always wanted to go back, we also did a walking holiday in the mountains and would assume there would be some mountain biking too. I like the French Alps too, but sometimes...
  20. P

    number plate colour?

    I believe so :D" onclick=";return false;