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  1. Olaf/DFL


  2. Olaf/DFL


  3. Olaf/DFL

    heater levers /control knobs for bays from 1968-73

    The second set has been sold to John!
  4. Olaf/DFL

    heater levers /control knobs for bays from 1968-73

    Set of 4 heater levers for early bays, crossovers and 1973 late bays. The blue ones are used original VW heater levers in pretty good shape and the red ones are new reproductions and just perfect! Price: $52 / £32 / €40 shipped worldwide! Set of 4 heater levers for early bays, crossovers and...
  5. Olaf/DFL

    Wanted: US spec rear bulbholders

    I already have the lenses. I only need the OG VW bulbholders in mint condition which means no marks in the reflectors. @Morecambeandwize: Please send me some detail pics via e-mail.
  6. Olaf/DFL

    Wanted: US spec rear bulbholders

    I know the repro bulbholders you can get from Heritage etc., but their quality is poor compared to the original VW ones. That's why I'm after some mint original VW ones.
  7. Olaf/DFL

    Wanted: US spec rear bulbholders

    I´m looking for original VW US spec rear bulbholders with clean reflectors without pitting. Any offers are welcome!
  8. Olaf/DFL


  9. Olaf/DFL


  10. Olaf/DFL

    Wanted: butterfly nut/drain tap for Westfalia water tank

    I need the drain tap incl the butterfly nut of the drain/outlet pipe for the water tank of a Campmobile 70 sink. I would also take a complete and working drain pipe with the tap, if it´s not for sale separately. Thanks Olaf
  11. Olaf/DFL

    size of carriage screws for bumper guards/overriders?

    Hi, I´m currently collecting all the needed hardware for assembling my early bay which will be back from the paintshop in a couple of weeks. I purchased a set of overriders (medium size) for my bus, but there were missing the carriage screws to bolt the guards to the bumpers. Can anybody tell...
  12. Olaf/DFL

