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  1. bruce

    My rolling road video

    What engine do you run?. I had a rolling rd set up last thursday but have to do a 1000 miles first to run in the new engine before i let it rip. :lol: will be intrested in a comparing results. Anybody else got some rolling road reports they want to share.
  2. bruce

    come on then...who's up for it

    im up for a big meet of early bays :D
  3. bruce

    whish exhaust for my bus?

    the way to go with a JK exhaust ran the full stainless one for years without a hicup. Ive just got a stinger for special occasions :wink:
  4. bruce

    My 1971 bay project...

    Looking good best use for a credit card putting body filler on :lol: think the hardest bit is done now :shock:
  5. bruce

    1971 CUSTOM BAY

    Yep its the oil breather box piped to the rocker covers :D
  6. bruce

    1971 CUSTOM BAY

    All went well over the weekend with the fitting in the bus and it started first time.Off to the rolling road on Thursday for new jets and a tune up then a 1000 miles before i see what it really goes like :shock: Roll on Vanwest 8)
  7. bruce

    vanwest 11-13 may

    thats if we dont drink it tommorow night :lol:
  8. bruce

    1971 CUSTOM BAY

    Well after a fair few weeks of working late nights Andy and myself have built a new 1776cc engine and it should be in ready for vanwest. a few pics of the build up :wink: :D
  9. bruce

    vanwest 11-13 may

  10. bruce

    my 71

    Stunning looking bus 8)
  11. bruce

    Weekend plans?

    A night of building the new engine tonight then off for a surf in north devon on saturday (in the golf).boo :( cant wait till the bus is up and running. :wink: and as easy said off to meet the glos vw club on sunday. 8)
  12. bruce


    last went in 2005 but never again, stayed on site and did enjoy myself but to many idiots for my liking as well as charlotte being hit in the face with a water baloon that did not burst. nice red mark on her face. oooch Its not the same festival as it was years ago and think this photo at the...
  13. bruce

    flooring advice

    Stuck my carpet with spray adhesive worked a treat and nothing a stiff brush wont sweep out. eh ez
  14. bruce

    j tubes?

    yep i run j tubes as well not different except heat and ive gone along the propex heat route too it gets toasty inside now :lol:
  15. bruce

    My 1972 Devon

    This is a quality bus`and nearly there now your hard work will soon be rewarded 8) now the engines back in :shock: its bi a bit of oky cokey with that engine :lol:
  16. bruce

    Dropped the bus today

    Cool well done that man looks much better now 8)
  17. bruce

    Early Bay Drag Racing Site

    Sounds good to me :D
  18. bruce


    Problem solved. :D
  19. bruce

    Early Bay Drag Racing Site

    easy you might better be cheering for me as welli might be tempted with a trip down the strip just to see what it do. Gotta run it in first though. :(
  20. bruce

    vanwest 11-13 may

    Only about 5 weeks to cant wait for this show 8)