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  1. bruce

    its showtime!

    would be well up for this already sorted our club camping pack out so it would be great to get a big lineup of earlybays 8)
  2. bruce

    new member

    Welcome :D Come on lets see some pics of your bus :D
  3. bruce


    I have just had delivered a new seal for the fire wall but its different to the one there at present does anyone have a picture of what is the correct seal as i want to replace all the rubbers on the firewall and rear valance. :D HELP
  4. bruce

    1971 Danbury

    Nice looking bus you have there 8)
  5. bruce

    Went to Felixtowe docks today...

    8) Quality another solid bus you found there. loads of potential 8)
  6. bruce

    My '70 Deluxe..

    Very nice love the look 8)
  7. bruce

    Oh bugger done it now

    VERY CAREFUL! :shock: I ran them for a year and even though i used the correct rubber grease they created a groove into the tyre sidewall quite deep. I have heard of people whose tyres have blown out so imo leave it they might look good on a trailered showcar but not for everyday use.
  8. bruce

    Went to Southampton docks today...

    splits are old hat now :lol: early bays the way forward :D
  9. bruce

    Anyone been to the volksworld show

    I too enjoyed the show. :D yep lacking early bays and splits were in out in force again. My favorite of the show was ths the black squareback just inside the main door. 8) one german man said that he had sex wee looking over it :lol: i quickly walked away laughing :lol:
  10. bruce

    Went to Southampton docks today...

    Wish it was me picking it up fom southamton :lol: Very cool bus indeed 8)
  11. bruce

    Delux beltline trim

    just lay off the cider before you start drilling si dont want a shaky drilling hand and a wobbly trim :lol: good luck mate :wink:
  12. bruce

    1970 bay, new to site.

    Looks much nicer slammed 8)
  13. bruce

    no engine, no fun!

    Think i will keep the engine bay pastal white nice and simple but may do the odd thing in there not sure :D
  14. bruce

    no engine, no fun!

    TELL ME ABOUT IT :evil: The same has happened to me . ive got all the new parts and am sending all the parts to be balanced tommorow then the rebulid can start :D fed up at looking at a empty engine bay now :(
  15. bruce

    Body Roll

  16. bruce

    Van West

    Details here should be a good one it was packed for its first show last year :D
  17. bruce

    Fuel tank sender unit, early vs late bay

    :lol: Lucky you thought of that its a good point :D
  18. bruce

    Body Roll

    No problem get it bolted on and you will soon be flying round them corners
  19. bruce

    Body Roll

    you get the odd scrap but not too much. heres is how much clearance i got but depends on how low you are i suppose :D
  20. bruce

    Fuel tank sender unit, early vs late bay

    Replaced the sender out of my early bay that was the cylinder type. got it from just kampers @£40 still does not give me a true fuel reading as i have a different speedo from a beetle. something to do with resistance that when the gauge shows empty i still have a half a tank left . :oops: