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  1. Sparky

    dead bays

    :lol: :lol: :lol: Some one knows you too well! Sparky
  2. Sparky

    Wiring from secondary fusebox?

    Yep 16A cable will be fine for all that, but keep the fuses down to 8 or 10Amps. Sparky
  3. Sparky

    Wiring from secondary fusebox?

    There isn't a simple answer to this question. The way I calculate things is find out the current draw expected eg 3A for your TV. If this is the current draw rather than the recommend fuse size add some over head to make sure the fuse is not blowing all the time so 5A in this case. Now the...
  4. Sparky

    Issue with hazzards

    Take a look here even if it's not quite the right year it should give you a clue. The Hazard switch is E3, this is supplied from the same fuse that the cab light is (may give you a clue to the fuse being OK). Earth is on terminal 31 (Thin brown wire) from the headlight switch. Sparky.
  5. Sparky

    Zig and electrics help please...

    Yep, The only reason you would want that 10A bridging fuse is if you didn't have a leisure battery in the system, even then I would expect a link instead of a fuse. Remember that the existing wiring from the alternator to the starter battery is not shown in the picture, there should be a...
  6. Sparky

    Devon pop top curtains

    Hi there, I had the same question some months ago. Johney tried to help but I think I found the answer on spooky's site: Special patrol group To me it looks like you use the same hooks that are used with the hold down latches. Sparkie
  7. Sparky

    Airspeed no more?

    Their unit has been for sale for ages, always wondered if they were just moving or what? Sparky
  8. Sparky

    1975 Westfalia Trailer

    You're buying your brother in law? :shock: Wales is an odd country! :lol: :lol: Sparky (there's some Welsh in me somewhere :) )
  9. Sparky


    and delivered safe and sound. Many thanks. Sparky
  10. Sparky

    poole quay vw meet,and vdub@the pub

    See you there, about time we had more than one meet a year on the quay. Any one see a rusty red and white crossover come and say hello! Sparky
  11. Sparky


    Sorry guys. I wasn't going to let them get away even if I had to drive down the road and pick them up! I needed something to stop the little one knocking the window up when he's sleeping in the boot. Sparky.
  12. Sparky


    I'm interested depending on the postage charge. If you pop it on the scales and give me the dimensions I'll look for the cheapest way to get it here. Sparky.
  13. Sparky

    Where is the brake light switch???

    The 3rd wire is for the "dual circuit brake warning light" not quite sure what it detects? It may detect 1 circuit with pressure and the other with out and bring up the warning light on the dash board? Sparky.
  14. Sparky

    TV in van??

    We use one of these: Maplins. The telescopic aerial is useless but the mag mount on top the the roof has always worked well. The menu system on this one isn't intuitive and can take a lot of guessing which button to press. We set it up on the dash and it is viewable from the child bed over the...
  15. Sparky

    who owns it

    Not me :( (Mine's the scabie old red and white Devon Xover often smoking around the canford bottom). Sparky.
  16. Sparky

    We're back...

    Well done and thanks to all involved. Lets hope this can be an end to the problems now. Sparks.
  17. Sparky

    looks like the forum's thrown a wobbler again!

    Good luck sorting it out. All our fingers are crossed for you! (it will be nice to have the notifications back again) Sparks
  18. Sparky

    New Klassicfab Bay Window Repro Panels from Musclebus Auto

    Hmmm liking these panels! How far out of Blandford are you? and do you allow collections. Arran.
  19. Sparky

    3\4 beds - are they really big enough for two?!

    We fit 3 in a 3/4 bed, only problem is when the one on the window side wants to get out and has to climb over. Sparky
  20. Sparky

    Fuel tank leak?

    Had a similar on my cross dresser. The fuel vent pipe had perished which is from the centre of the tank to the fuel filler. The part in the exploded diagram here VW Heritage is item 22, but the part listed as 22 (211-201-157) is wrong you need 211-201-157/A (if it's the same as mine). I took...