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  1. Sparky

    Breaking '71 sunroof deluxe plus other spares

    Have you got the rear heater vents? I might be interested if they were cheap enough. Arran
  2. Sparky

    deluxe clock,front curtain,mozzy net,parcel shelf*ebay*

    Ahh that's so much better Clem. I thought EarlyBay was descending into chaos then. Much more family friendly (Also won't make the wife blush)
  3. Sparky

    Holton Classic

    We'll be there with 'OurBus68' and dragging along some friends along with their 1970 deluxe. Been there a couple of times before and always enjoyed it.
  4. Sparky

    someone must be able to help me

    It took me the best part of a day just to fit the insert. I used hellerman oil ( commonly used in the electronics world for putting on rubber sleeving) and the blunt end of a plastic baby spoon for opening up the seal, and then pushing hard to get the insert in.
  5. Sparky

    eBay search changes

    And you used to be able to filter just the Auctions or Buy It Nows. I can't find any whay of doing that.
  6. Sparky

    my wife thinks i am stupid

    Stupid?? You drive a VW! How could she! No you're right pop rivets within the inner seal down the sides and outside the seal front and back. I was surprised when I found this while I was replacing the inner seal the other week. If they had kept the front / back the same as the sides we wouldn't...
  7. Sparky


    We'll be there, don't know which day (which ever one the sun shines one!) Hopefully the fuel leak is cured now just need to get the engine in and we'll be ready to go. On a slightly different note we went around the museum on Monday and payed using gift aid. Not expecting to get anything back...
  8. Sparky

    wanted Devon Bunks I guess you've seen these then. Bit dear if you ask me, I only payed £10 for a pair from a chap on JK forum when I collected them from Vanfest.
  9. Sparky

    wheels and front pass seat forsale

    So are the wheels wide 5, or the 5 x 112?
  10. Sparky

    IPOD Time

    Still not how I would have done it. Amp - to chassis, Amp + to Battery + via Fuse, Amp control or what ever the yellow wire is called to your switch and then to battery+. Don't take the Amp + via a switch, the currents in this wire are large and the switch you would need would be UGLY! Other...
  11. Sparky

    Fuel filler hose

    Thanks Harlequin, I couldn't find that post no mater how much I searched. Mine is a crossover too, does your hose look like mine? If so I can get a late bay one. VWH list short (211-201-125/SHORT)and long 211-201-125/D which one did you buy? Thanks Sparky
  12. Sparky

    Fuel filler hose

    Hi there. After nearly killing my family with fumes traveling to vanfest last year I promised to sort out the petrol fumes in the cabin area. Well thanks to top bloke Rob ("our bus 68" on here) the engine and firewall came out last Saturday. There on the top of the fuel tank was an elbow...
  13. Sparky

    Another 72 Devon

    Hi sprouty, nice bus you've got there. I made it to dubing in dorset with the bus and my daughter, but only stayed until it rained! I still managed to get away with a dash top and front edge. May try to get to Horton but not with the bus, thats being parked up for the winter to fit out the...
  14. Sparky

    Another 72 Devon

    Just a quick Hi and a pic of us at VF07. Very happy to have made it as we'd only get the bus back a week before the event. Arran