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  1. Sparky

    Door card,Hub caps, and other bits

    A few bits from my bus here. First off is a set of cushions that have been over covered. The sun had got to the original fabric (The remains of which are still in there). Not great condition but may give you something to sit on for now. £Sold Next up the air filter. Needs a clean, has some...
  2. Sparky

    Windscreen wiper fitment?

    OK I can't quite believe I've been beaten by this! At the moment the wipers look like this: and have done since I got the bus. Now I decided it's time for some replacement blades so buy some Bosch ones from GSF as detailed in their catalog for a T2. They wont fit the current arms. So I...
  3. Sparky

    Crossover clutch cable

    So which one do I buy? I was going to buy the 69 to 71 year as most things under the skin seem closer to an early than late, but going by the dates I should have the late one 71 to 79. Anybody done this? Sparky
  4. Sparky

    Devon curtains

    Looking at sorting out some curtains ready for this summer. Hopefully I will get the bunks back in recovered but where do the curtains go in the pop top? I am expecting some sort of elasticated affair but I can't find where they would hook on to. Any pointers gratefully accepted. Sparky.
  5. Sparky

    Main battery earth wire (Crossover)

    Ever since I brought my bus it has had it's main battery sat on the passenger side of the engine bay, with a long wire taking the +12V across to where it should be. Now I have moved the battery to its correct position (making room for a leisure battery) I have no idea where the earth is...
  6. Sparky

    Forum Hiccup

    Was it just me who couldn't access the forum this morning? I kept getting a SQL server error. Arran
  7. Sparky

    Sliding door track cover removal

    So the mech for the sliding door has broken and no longer slides back. We have recovered half of what looks like a cam from the part attached to the van so I need to get the track cover off. 1st screw near the door unscrews like a dream, 2nd screw at the back of the bus wont shift. 2 days...
  8. Sparky

    Devon interior up north

    ebay It's not mine and too far from the snowy south coast for me to get! Arran
  9. Sparky

    Not Running on 1 and 3

    O.K. so out with the single carb and in with the twin carb. While this was happening all of the HT leads came off. Now it's all back together she's not running on No.1 or 3 cylinder. I've worked this out by pulling of the HT leads, removing 2 or 4 the engine slows and runs even rougher...
  10. Sparky

    ICT34 Carb question.

    OK yet another carb / vac advance question. In the picture below you can see 2 tapings, 1 for fuel, and the other for ? The instructions don't mention them, Balance pipe, vacuum taping, tuning port, or something else? The second port comes out just above the butterfly in the barrel (you...
  11. Sparky

    Fuel filler hose

    Hi there. After nearly killing my family with fumes traveling to vanfest last year I promised to sort out the petrol fumes in the cabin area. Well thanks to top bloke Rob ("our bus 68" on here) the engine and firewall came out last Saturday. There on the top of the fuel tank was an elbow...
  12. Sparky

    Another 72 Devon

    Just a quick Hi and a pic of us at VF07. Very happy to have made it as we'd only get the bus back a week before the event. Arran