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Early Bay Forum

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  1. P

    i-pod connection for grundig emden IV

    Hi Earlybay, I've recently bought a 1970 grundig emden IV. I've installed the radio and it really brightens up the dash. I've installed the speaker in the original place, only one as its mono!! But I'm really wanting my i-pod to run through the radio, I have a 5 pin din socket on the rear but i...
  2. P

    Blaupunkt Emden wanted

    I'm after a blaupunkt Emden for my 1970 Bay, has anyone got one for sale or knows where i can get one?? I'm after a din plug to ipod too!! Many thanks Paul
  3. P

    Whats a good twin carbs to buy??

    Hi Guys, i'm wanting to buy a set of twin carbs to improve my bhp and mpg on a 1600 twin port engine, i'm not wanting to pay through the nose! Has anyone got any suggestions on what carbs I should go for and do i need anything else?? Many thanks Paul
  4. P

    Removing wheels from rear once slammed

    Hi can any one help me, i've Slammed My early bay 3inches at the back!! Its almost imposible to remove/put back on the Wheel at rear. Is there any thing i can do to make it easier??? i only jack the rear end up but the wheels don't come out the arches enough. Please help, i'm wanting to put...