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  1. J

    window frames

    our devon has got opening windows in the sliding door and the off side by the rear seat both frames are rotted away and dont know where to look for replacements any ideas !!!! looked in the usual places :mrgreen:
  2. J

    devon moonraker decal

    Thats the decal but with moonraker instead of devonette
  3. J

    devon moonraker decal

    can anyone help me in finding the devon mooraker sticker that goes on the dashboard little round sucker about 2 inches or even a reprint or a decent photo :mrgreen:
  4. J

    wheres the get up n go

    are all 1600 bays as gutless as mine or am i doing somthing wrong with setting her up she realy struggles in 4 gear. being a total novice with our camper and have never drove one before i have nothing to compair with :mrgreen:
  5. J

    Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Help!!!!! has anyone got pics or the specs for the locker box that goes between the front seats on a devon 1971 moonraker????????????? carpenter (handyman) awaiting measurements. Also has anyone got the measurements for the bunkbed material (seamstress waiting measurements) Ok ok one more thing...
  6. J

    twin port head for 1600

    desperatly seeking a 1600 tp cylinder head any condition without cracks if pos
  7. J

    New to EarlyBay ? Say Hi here ...

    this is how we bought Jenny just over a month ago, every weekend for the past month we have been welding. She is well on her way with lots of new panels and parts, will upload new pics this weekend with progress report.
  8. J

    New to EarlyBay ? Say Hi here ...

    hi we are new here too ... we have a 1971 devon moonraker in need of lots of tlc and welding, wiring, paint, and lots more trying to get her road worthy for the end of august as holiday already booked .And we are in yeovil somerset looking for a local club to get advise and to get the bus out...
  9. J

    Moonraker interier

    Thanks for that, ours seems to have both will prob stick with the one in back and get badge on front. :mrgreen:
  10. J

    Pair of devon roof bunks

    what condition is thematerial for beds in?.would you split the material from the frames and post them as our frames in good condition but no material.?Happily give you tenner plus postage :mrgreen:
  11. J

    Moonraker interier

    We are trying to get Jenny (1971 moonraker) as origional as possible, please can anyone tell us if they are supposed to have the spare tyre on the front, or in the back of the van?. Can anyone tell us how the interier is layed out as we not sure what is missing. :mrgreen:
  12. J

    moonraker suspention

    we have just bought a 1971 devon moonraker, there is currantly no anti rollbar fitted on the front axel, can someone tell me if this is right or if it must have been removed ?. :mrgreen: