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  1. R

    losing charge

    the light comes on and i have to pip the accelerator cos if i don't she may (not always) die on me, then not want to start. She's very rough to start anyway - I have had her serviced recently and the engine is sweet when she's going but it's just this little problem when i need her to idle.
  2. R

    losing charge

    thanks JustJoe - that's actually helpful. will do that. BJ1 I see elitism is alive and well! If your reply was not sarcastic then apologies but it comes across that way. I have a Haynes, and I have no objection at all in "getting my hands dirty" but that doesn't mean I'm a fully qualified super...
  3. R

    losing charge

    I have a 1969/70 van and when i stop/slow down she loses power and the -G- light - which I've found indicates the generator - comes on; I would therefeore hazard a guess that something (battery/alternator/whatever) isn't charging. Not being in any way a techie :oops: & thus being at the mercy...