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Early Bay Forum

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    Early RHD tin top bay for sale..... £2700!!!!!!!!!

    That is a lovely looking bus, and a bargain Need to go and count my money!!!
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    Bay project wanted

    still looking??? :( :(
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    Bay project wanted

    Cheers everyone looks like I need a bit more money!! Although I'm still looking!! Hasn't anyone got something that needs a bit of work?
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    Bay project wanted

    Have to say that bus does look solid, what does it work out in £sterling ,I'm not up on this euros thing!! Would it have to be registered in this country?
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    Bay project wanted

    Can anyone help? I'm looking for a project for this winter, Ideally something with a bit of MOT on it, or a fail sheet. I've got upto £3000 to spend so hopefully I can find something Not really worried about what needs doing to it as I have done a few restos in the past. Ideally in the south...
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    Brighton Breeze...

    What sort of time will people start arriving at maderia drive,brighton?
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    New to EarlyBay ? Say Hi here ...

    I'll be after a bay earlier the better (arent you all!). I have done a fair few restos in the past on beetles/campers and I'm not worried about a bit of welding. Will probably have £2500-3000 to spend so hopefully i willl be able to get something suitable, as i said not worried by a bit of...
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    New to EarlyBay ? Say Hi here ...

    Thanks , lorry should be going next week so the hunt will begin.
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    New to EarlyBay ? Say Hi here ...

    Hello there i'm new here! Have been around vw's for about 17 years, but they have taken a bit of a back seat recently due to me doing other things (banger racing), but I have finally returned. Will be looking for a project to keep me busy over the winter ready for next year, just got to sell...