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  1. C

    New camp out

    After the great success of the camp out at Fir tree farm. Would there be any interest in a another camp out with perhaps a mini show and shine type event on Sunday morning. We could even open the show and shine to the public and give the proceeds to charity? I am thinking of Whittington Castle...
  2. C

    1968 single cab.

    it is. Gone to Roland's bus farm. :D
  3. C

    camp out

    Really great weekend all. Thanks Graham and Jenny for the efforts in getting this together. Lets see if we can top it Next year perhaps :D
  4. C

    Stanford Hall - Early Bay Line Up 2016

    Do we count in the line up? our 1967 single cab will be there providing our mobile coffee shop service. be sure to say Hi :)
  5. C

    Earlybay Camp Out 23/4 April 2016-Banbury BOOKING SITE OPEN

    looks a cool bit of kit. I carried the bloody box up the ramp to Grahams unit :)
  6. C

    Earlybay Camp Out 23/4 April 2016-Banbury BOOKING SITE OPEN

    You guys bring the Irish whisky. We will provide the coffee :) I am loving the sound of this event even more :lol:
  7. C

    Earlybay Camp Out 23/4 April 2016-Banbury BOOKING SITE OPEN

    We at Coffee 2 pickup are looking forward to providing our early bay single cab coffee shop service at the event on both Saturday and Sunday thanks for the invite Graham