1971 Dormobile - attempted restoration!

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Sep 15, 2014
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Hi everyone. Thought I would start my own topic after spending a while reading everyone else's.

I'll keep this post short to make sure I know how to post things correctly! Gracie, is our second baywindow, the first being Beryl, a late bay. The current one is a 1971 Dormobile (we came to this conclusion because of the cooker under the passenger seat). We bought it just before we moved to Naples and took a week driving down with minimal problems. It now sits in my garage slowly being stripped down and I'm already getting a head full of questions!

Below should be a photo of our old yellow van and our current green one.

When I have mastered the art of 'posting' I will endeavour to keep things up to date. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all the posts on here and so thought I should start giving something back!

Be back soon!
I've been a bit slow on putting things on the website, but that's just the way I am! I have started the restoration mainly by stripping the van further back than I really wanted. But once I started digging I couldn't stop! So the van is now on its side with the help of a roll over jig which has made things so much easier. I really have some respect for those who do the chassis work lying down. Some things I have found out about the van:

It was lowered by taking out some torsion bars!
Has has had several layers of paint.
We now know the true original colour (Neptune blue).
It has more rust than I thought it would! (No surprise really).
It is going to take a lot longer than I originally thought to restore.
It's going to cost more than I thought.
Someone has already tried to patch up various parts of the van to various standards.
Rusted nuts do not come off easily!
WD40 is a mans best friend!

I've hopefully put the pictures below for you to see.(They maybe in the wrong order, the oldest photos are at the bottom!) I'll let them do the talking and will put some more on soon. I'll welcome any comments or advice form the wealth of experience on this forum.

Hello there ! Getting stuck in now eh ?!
Was funny reading your list at the top of your last post, all applies to my bus too except for the lowering methods, ( and plus gas is better than wd40) :)
Mine has belly pans welded on too :( the mot man always laughs...
Mine has an identical interior to yours, late RHD Westy , yours is the only other on here I've seen the same as mine (bar the fabric colour) 8)
I've yet to to start stripping mine down as too busy so watching with interest as mines rotting away before my eyes :lol:
Keep up with the good work
P.s wtf is that red chopped up e.b all about ?! :shock:
Today I cleaned up the front beam. The end plates are rusted through so I suppose that I will have to replace them, I might as well narrow it and put in adjusters while I'm at it! I have some torsion bars missing, it was how the last owners lowered it, I'll have to get a new set from somewhere.

I have cut into the beam a little bit but should be able to fix it once all welded back together.

All marked out ready to cut. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to cut so I can have a night to double check everything to make sure the marking out is correct! I have also put some temporary bars on to help strengthen it while all the cutting and welding is going on.

OK everyone, it s been some time since I last posted on here! My plan was to do a bit of work on the van then get it on here for you to see but as I don’t have a laptop and am doing it via my ipad it been more than awkward to sort out photos and get them online! It has been a struggle to keep motivated once the cutting and welding started, getting up at the weekend knowing what you have ahead of you, weekend after weekend. This is why it has taken a lot longer than anticipated. I also have done more work than I wanted, but once you start cutting bits off it becomes addictive! I have around 15Kg of metal that has been removed, some cut off, some fell off!
Anyway I added some photos below of the work I’ve done over the last few months, maybe not in the correct order.
So changed the end plates on the front beam, narrowed of course!

Lots of chassis work, cutting, welding loss of motivation. Cutting, welding loss of motivation. Cutting, welding loss of motivation. Cutting welding……….You get the idea.

I added a ‘Y’ section to the heater pipe with the intention of connecting it to a propex, or similar, heater from inside the van and hoping the heat would reach the front windscreen.

A larger wiring loom pipe to make it easier to pull future cables through.

This could be the reason that I had some torsion bars missing. It looks like someone has tried to replace them, couldn’t get them to fit properly and just used lots of unsuccessful hammering to destroy the collars.

Engine clean up.

Chassis with epoxy mastic paint.

Brake and gearbox clean up.

New beam on, hopefully the wheels will fit. I have some Porsche teledials to fit!

A quick update plus a quick question!

I have tarted up the engine a bit. A few bits more to do but will do them once back on the vehicle.

And the question. I have this piece left over from a box containing all the tinware nuts and bolts. Does anybody know where it came from. I'm hoping it wasn't from deep within the engine!

That washer looks like one of the washers below the nuts that secure the ally heads, have you taken them off?
Its hard to know without scale though.

:?: :?: :?:
Hi all, a quick update.

Painted the engine bay and after around a year without wheels and being on its side the van has wheels again! Still lots to do but today has given a good boost to morale!

It's been a while, a long hard slog, but the van is nearly finished and thoroughly worth all the long hours and I'm glad I followed through to the end! I still have a few jobs to sort out but the majority of the work is now complete. I have loads of photos to put up but only have time for a few tonight. If anyone is struggling with motivation to finish a project, take it from me that all the hard work is so worth it once you have your first night out in the van after a long restoration period!


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