3 Alternator straps in 2 weeks!!

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I'm with them^. I simply don't believe the flywheel could be so out of balance it broke 3 alt straps without totalling wrecking the engine.

Maybe he did take the engine out and used that as an excuse for taking all day to find the fan was knackered, then felt foolish so just charged you 3 hours. Done similar things myself...

You don't say why he scrubbed the 5 hours off the bill?
If I where you I would be looking at my fan and seeing how new it looks.
Or taking the engine out and looking at the flywheel. I'd deffinately be thinking about rebuilding the engine if it was indeed the flywheel causing the vibration.
Everything must be heavily worn from a flywheel that out of balance
You guys are scaring the crap out of me now!!

Reason he scrubbed the 4 hours was because I put a fair bit of work his way with both the bus and the bug. And his work has always been really good. He even stored the bus for me for free for 4 months after I bought it until I could get it low enough to fit in my garage!

Looks as though I'm going to be learning how to rebuild an engine over the next few months - the missus will be well chuffed!! Especially as I've only just got the last of the refurbed interior out of the flat......

Really do appreciate the advice you guys have given - it's invaluable to a bus newbie like me!

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