'70 bay...resto cal...restowagen type thing? dunno really?!?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Reaction score
'the shire'
hello all...this is my '70 bay that ive had for about 4 years i think, some may have already seen it....some may not....

anyway its my pride and joy! hope you like...




sick! love that dood! 8) 8)
Sexy as fook mate love it , Too many windows but still cool 8) :lol:
thanks for the very kind words people....
wish it still looked as good as in the pics....has been a bit unloved over the winter months.... still plenty of time to get it bit sorted for the volksworld show......

thankyou all again...
smart van dude :D

and nice sig :D

are you on hoodride or restowagen, I'm sure i've seen this before. i used to be regular on both, but I'm solely an EB man now :wink:
I'll have two please! 8)

I love this, The rag top and rear Safari are nice touches too.

Hope to see it out and about this season. :D
thanks again for the kind words...she's my baby and im real proud of her...well actually shes a he... named ernie after my grandpa...who inadvertantly due to his passing allowed me to buy him!

baron...yeah i used to be a regular on hoodride and it was posted on retrowagen once. kind of lost interest with hoodride just before it all went tits up.... but i do that with most forums..vzi, jk (my account has now been deleted due to underuse!!!) but early bay is a nice breath of fresh air... gonna stick with this one for sure! oh and my club forum too....


faux... i hope to get it out and about this year... but dont tend to do too many of the big shows as they are all too bloomin far away from 'the shire' (devon)! it will however hopefully be in the volksworld early bay line-up......
thru_a_lupe said:
baron...yeah i used to be a regular on hoodride and it was posted on retrowagen once. kind of lost interest with hoodride just before it all went tits up.... but i do that with most forums..vzi, jk (my account has now been deleted due to underuse!!!)

it went tits up did it? shows when i last tried to get on

i'm the same as you with most forums. EB keeps pulling me back though cos of the nice folk and quality metalwork :D

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