charging system

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Jun 17, 2013
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hi .... were getting ready for a trip to ninove and I checked a few bits over ... long story short bus wasn't charging.... already on a new 55 amp altenator I thought id dig deep and fit the 75 amp available.... but im still only getting just under 12 volts out of it ..... whole bus is fresh wiring a few years back ive got a lead off to the battery and wire straight thro to the gen light .... any ideas please?
tested ok the other day after a charge out of the bus....
looking like either the wire back to battery is to thin or the gen light bulb is shot...... back on it in the morning....
now getting just under 12 v when it feels like it and over 13 volts randomly... but when it does charge it pops the gen light on.... ive run a thicker altenator to battery pos cable and an engine block to neg battery cable just to eliminate bad earth..... it was charging spot on then I saw the gen light was on..... turned it off and on and the light went off and it stopped charging.... any help greatly welcome
S4B, your connections on the back of the speedo are suspect.
The essential as far as the alternator is concerned, is that the thin blue cable from the D+ of the alternator goes to the 'centre' contact of the bulb, while the 'outer' connection goes to key-switched (DIN 15) supply via a thin black cable (i.e. not to earth)
You may have other connection issues in the same area that may be evident once this is corrected.
Peter Good
I had a simular problem with my Ghia. On the back of instument panel there are live feeds to both oil pressure and generator warning lights and feeds going to oil pressure switch and alternator. I found out that my problem was caused by a corodded fuse. I cleaned the holder for fuse and replaced with new fuse. Problem solved. Also check live feed wire from fuse box to make sure good connection.This might not be youir problem but worth checking as it strange two alternators having same problem. :idea: :idea:

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