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Staff member
Oct 5, 2006
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I am still trying to work out why even in this climate, people still give terrible customer service???

Seriously i just don`t get it. It takes 10 seconds to email or text these days or heres a thought ring someone back!

Most of these companies will not last as people will eventually get fucked off or you will not grow as a company, if you are happy just doing the minimal work you have that just keeps you going then keep it up, cos that is all you will do, but if you offer a great service you will get the feedback and the rewards that go with it.

I am mainly talking about the odd 1 or 2 man operation "businesses" who just plod along doing what they have, but dont realise if the service they offer is good, it could be grown, but poor customer service is where it starts and ends.

This week i have dealt with total bellends who offer great services and just dont get back to you for whatever bullshit reason. One guy i was going to spend £35000 with this year and he has failed to communicate every time i have tried to contact or get an answer from, so i let him go. Turns out someone who offers similar is great at customer service and because i will be going way over that first figure he will more than benefit.

So a massive warning to all you companies or dealers out there, just because someone rings up with something to get or for you to fix etc and it you dont feel that this person warrants any service by the small gesture of a reply, then you will be shooting yourself in the foot as when you have to close your doors and seek employment shovelling shit for 2p a year, then you will realise that you should have maybe spent 10 seconds getting back to someone and not just fucked it off because eastenders was on or you were "on holiday"

Penises :evil:
I am with you on this one buddy - for me it was trying to get someone to do the work to install the wheels on my bus.
I rang and emailed several "big" and "small" companies and out of the 8-10 only 1 had the sense to reply!
They got my money and did a fantastic job! Cheers Evil Ben!

Business must be good when you can ignore £2k+ worth of income and possible repeat business.
Even if they weren't interested in doing that particular job I would at-least expect a reply or courtesy call to explain their position.
Seem to have noticed it more in niche businesses rather than mainstream however maybe that is purely down to a lack of experience on my behalf.

It quite often boils my piss!

I also feel the same, when I got my van (4 weeks ago) I phoned and emailed a few companies I found on the interweb to ask for quotes and timeframes etc and no one came back to me either.

It is in a garage now being looked after but it still frustrates the hell out of me about Customer Service, surely with what we have you are always going to get repeat service if you treat customers right.

Is there not a map anyway what shows good service received etc ?

There just must be garages out there that don't want our money, maybe we should go into business ourselves and offer the customer service we expect, doing things when we say we will do them etc) and see how we get on.

Feel better now ty :)
Totally agree, sadly.

In my experience, poor communications even before they do any work for you and/or take your money is a sure sign that, when/if something goes wrong, they will just ignore you. And then you are stuffed. :x

We have some recent examples of this played out very publically on this forum, and that serves to inform and to forewarn potential future customers. I know for sure that some otherwise respected 'names' won't get my business on that evidence. :msn4:

Just for balance, there are also some cracking businesses out there who just can't do enough for you. :D
Would it be deemed "commercial suicide" if there was a supplier ratings page on this forum. I only say this because sponsors/advertisers may get negative feedback. Alternatively, the progressive companies will welcome it.
Davydomes said:
Would it be deemed "commercial suicide" if there was a supplier ratings page on this forum. I only say this because sponsors/advertisers may get negative feedback. Alternatively, the progressive companies will welcome it.

Its a difficult one as im sure it will never happen as it could well end up in a slanging match, which no one wants. I would personally say sing out the praises of the good companies and this will stear people as their first point of call to these companies and not look at the others.

If in doubt i would ask on here before parting with your hard earned, as if anything you will hear all sides.

Good companies with a great level of service will prosper from this, so hopefully it will make others take note and up their game. I will personally only reccomend companies that i have used and have full faith in. So you will always get an honest opinion from me about using someone. :mrgreen: 8)
Bad service comes in many forms and is in every industry.
Last year, after some strong winds, my tv ariel and post were hanging off and ready to fall so I rang a local 2 man company only to be told "No chance, we don't work weekends".
I asked if they could just take it down before it falls and injures someone or does damage and re-fit another day, but no, "As I've just told you, we don't work weekends" was the very abrupt reply.
The guy was quite indignant when I said "Fine, I'll NEVER use your company ANY day of the week and I'll make it my business to tell everyone I know just how unfriendly and unhelpful you are"
Knob. :evil:

On a different note, I have found 'Bromsgrove Auto Trimmers' very friendly and to provide outstanding customer service, thoroughly recommended!!! :D
I work for a business who prides themselves on customer services. It is one of the big swayers of why I picked this job over other offers. I get a great sense of pride when I hear feedback from customers about our CS employees!

I'm a big believer of spending a little more somewhere else for better customer service. The new café near work is a fair bit more expensive than grabbing a bite from Greggs but the dude that runs it makes all the difference.

Customer service is not difficult. What's difficult is persuading people that it is important and worth spending time and money on.

Look at Alex from VWH. He is great to all of us on this forum. The fact that he is always there to offer advice and help where he can is why so many of us shop with that company!

I bought an oil pump from them a little while ago which had a manufacturing fault. I emailed them with some details and was so surprised to not only receive an email within a few hours but also getting a phone call the next day to talk to me about it. They were worried I hadn't got the email (truth is I just hadn't had time to read it yet!) and to offer me advice, apologies and options on how to resolve the issue. I was probably on the phone for a solid 10 minutes with the guy (apologies, forgot his name) and was left feeling confident and happy in the service they offered.

Whilst I'm on the subject I'd like to give Graham of Midland Early Bay a shout out as he was an absolute star when he had my bus in back in January. He kept me informed throughout and even sent me pictures of the progress. He was also very flexible and accommodating and I'm really pleased that I took my bus to him to get sorted!

TL;DR - I recommend and commend for their customer service: VW Heritage and Midland Early Bay!
One of my hates too. I seem to attract poor customer service despite being polite and offering my money. A few examples stand out though - Alex, VWHeritage has been excellent and also Barry of OldBug who I bought my bus from. Hundreds of emails, photos, videos, kept me fully informed, kept up communication even after I got home with the bus.
Angie, Bromsgrove Autotrimmers - despite having not yet had any work with them, she's been very accommodating and helpful too.
Also lots of people on these forums who run businesses - Graham etc
As most of you will recall I received appalling service from one of the so called "scene specialist suppliers" not so long back, however, as I've recently been back into restoring my bus I've dealt with a few suppliers regarding parts, as well as a few guys on here and SSVC in buying bits and pieces, and have to say, faith is restored!

BIG thanks go to Alex at VWH, absolute star :)
Autocraft, excellent customer service
Alan Schofield, excellent customer service
Lanner at VDubEngineering, excellent and knowledgeable guy to deal with :)
Mags on EB, great guy to deal with, thanks fella
Karl_F, VWJim, Nik n Mik on SSVC, all great guys, many thanks

apologies to anyone I've missed!
Pete B said:
Bad service comes in many forms and is in every industry.
Last year, after some strong winds, my tv ariel and post were hanging off and ready to fall so I rang a local 2 man company only to be told "No chance, we don't work weekends".
I asked if they could just take it down before it falls and injures someone or does damage and re-fit another day, but no, "As I've just told you, we don't work weekends" was the very abrupt reply.
The guy was quite indignant when I said "Fine, I'll NEVER use your company ANY day of the week and I'll make it my business to tell everyone I know just how unfriendly and unhelpful you are"
Knob. :evil:

So who was it?
I agree entirely and getting knock backs or being ignored about enquiries is annoying ... but!

The trouble with these days is the net and social media allows everyone to ask every question, 24 hours a day and so it becomes hard to weed out the serious enquiries from the many many others.

A few years back I worked in a bike shop that traded in the early stages of internet shopping, the influx back then of daft email enquiries was staggering and hours could be lost pricing custom build bikes on the phone that just were kids wetting themselves in bedrooms. I dread to think what its like now. If you follow, as an example, T2D on Instagram, every picture they post gets so many questions underneath from all around the world , and thats just the tip of an iceberg I guess. Must be a nightmare to manage effectively.

Im not excusing bad service, and everyone will have a valid example, as I have many, but there is some 'other side' to consider. :)
On the other hand red9 design send out replacement parts free of charge no quibble and don't even charge me carriage 8) As far as I'm concerned that is what customer service is all about :!:
sparkywig said:
Not with Creative Engineering, they suck big time.

So it was You then trying to get on the phone to them all afternoon today! :lol: ............. and all I got was the engaged tone......... and when it did ring all I got was their poxy answer machine

Which means we dont want to answer you Now F. .O.. :x
creationblue said:
On the other hand red9 design send out replacement parts free of charge no quibble and don't even charge me carriage 8) As far as I'm concerned that is what customer service is all about :!:


I asked them about the best Ball Joint boots as mine hadn't split after 18 months, they sent me complete new ball joints F.OC. !!

Top Service.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I've just had excellent service from vwheritage, which will certainly mean I will be continuing to use them.
Heritage were shocking when I complained about the poor rear wheel bearings .. Sold as genuine in fact cheap as cheap and failed mot to boot ....Nigel was the guy I spoke to ,didn't give a toss
Throughout the restoration of my bus customer service has been variable, however the vast majority have been excellent.

Nathan @ Custom & Commercial (usually recognise my voice has I've rang them so much). Cool air, VW Heritage.
I had a moan about JK's recently via a online review and had a phone call from the customer services manager which was great. Pete and Angela @ Bromsgrove are superb. Nick @ Airteriors.

As mentioned its a very important part of any business and the secret to success and repeat business.

Like any scene there are wasters which will eventually go through the hoop.

That's the other good thing about forums, a means for people to mention things about businesses used and experiences with them etc..
I won't be using Heritage anymore, not interested in warranty, if somethings faulty its faulty, even if you bought it 13 months ago.


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