deluxe window rubbers

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2008
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deluxe rubbers?
so any one had experiences of rubbers with the chrome inserts. had trouble getting them fitted the trim would not go in after the rubbers had gone in. so had to re do with standard rubbers
even auto glass could not get them in .
full set came from just kampers and was wondering if others have had problems. gives me something to go to jk with along with other fitters comments as it has cost 2 lots of time and hourly rates to get a job done and if the rubbers are wrong then please may i have my money back !! plus some !!

You have to put the rubber on the glass then put the trim in, then fit them. Just take your time fitting the trim as it's pretty tight, it will go though.

Auto glass should know this.

I did all of my beetle windows like that.

Glass, rubber, trim, fit.

Hope this helps.
thanks very muchley for help .
yeah have been told thats the sequence but the fitters from the workshop insist that they could not get it done that way . jk say to do it like that too but the fitters tried and could not get it on .
will keep battling and see what transpires.
any more experiences would be good to hear too
cheers all
p.s. thats the fitters from both auto glass and the workshop doing the work
Thats the only way to do it.

are you using the Ali trim or plastic??

if its the plastic.. sit it in a large bucket of hot water this will softern it so its easier to place in the rubber and mould to the shape of the corners of the window..

Rubber around window..

then using insertion tool place trim in rubber.. i always start at the bottom centre and work around.

then offer window to van and with 2 people fit window.
hiya, thanks for response. it was the plastic trim and the resto guys said it was not going in at all . oh um
dont know if they tried the heating method . dilemma is i have paid twice for job and not got what i wanted !!!not good but jk have said they will fit a rubber in a camper and if it is the faulty rubbers we will know then. of course if it goes in ....back to fitters . but they did look might tight when i saw them ! and that was with no inserts.

cheers for all help very interesting.
it is ment to be tight and the trouble with a lot of fitters nowadays if they can not use a mastik gun they are stuck.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
PM strongy hes a screen fitter, I have his number somewhere sure he wont mind offering a little advice...
thanks for all comments all very informative.
will know better when i want to change them !!!
cant do it now ....had enough of that hiccup!!
onto different hiccups now!! :? :roll:

will try and contact strongy asap for future reference thanks

Am having the same problem with some i got(From another co,not JK).Mine didnt fit either.Sent em back and when they tried them in their 70(as mine is as well) they didnt fit.
Done my homework on this problem and found they will fit an early if you use late Bay glass.
Been told the late Bay has slightly smaller glass.
They are ordering Deluxe rubbers (made to fit early's) and should be in stock mid to end January :mrgreen:
thats a result will pass it on and post when i have got the result from jk hopfully next week .but now i think of it i think the resto blokes were using my 72 glass in some of the rubbers going into the 70 ....will have to check onthat . cheers
I could be wrong,its just what ive been told.
Keep us posted though.
My front n rear screen fitted and the side(R O sliding door) just the 3/4's that didnt :!:
Good luck :mrgreen:
guys and gals i have og trims arriving jan 09...i suggest status vw for the new rubber 8)
This is a pain in the rear job and i`ve had four guys trying to fit a standard rubber before now let alone a deluxe one..when it`s cold it`s even worse this is a very hard job full stop
on the plus side, it looks the mutts nuts when it's done :mrgreen:
the prob with alot of the fitters nowadys is they have no exsperence in the old school rubber fitments.all the gear no idea.i know fitters with 7 8 years exsperiance but put them near something like this and they havent got a clue.ive been lucky over the years as we have allways had customers that deal with classics.if you saw the 4 week training that a new glaizer goes thru you prob wouldent let them near your car/ certainley dosent include anything with chrome,when i was at rac autowindscreens alot of the new trainees would come thru with no idea how to use the most basic of tools,the idea is they have their training then go with a qualified fitter until there good enougth.but they would go back to there depot and be sent out on there own, due to work load.there were allways storys going around about them having to buy customers cars of them due to the damage caused.headlinings slashed,dashes sliced,even glass flying out while the customer was driving up the motor way.

if you are local to me,il do them for could actually be the crap rubbers and ive allso heard about the earlys having bigger glass(thought it were the 68s tho).

they are bloody tight.try ringing your local vw restorers and ask who they use.autoglass prices usally make it so they avoid this kind of work(so there exsperiance in it is not great)try an indipendent,but again be carefull its an unregulated trade so there are lots of idiots about that are doing dangerous stuff :shock:.or ask your local bodyshop who they use, as they will only use the best people.(most of the time)
looks good but is verry expensive in my case , maybe next time ..
will keep you posted on jk rubbers after friday next when i take them back and watch them try to fit one
cheers me
thanks strong, we are unfortunately in somerset but that means we would have to take a weekend break to lincoln maybe in the summer when the weather is warmer!!! to ease it?
i will pm for a contact if okay


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