Does a stereo in the glovebox actually work in practise?

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2009
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Just outside London
Or are they just a pain in the arse?

I have a nice shiny new Pioneer stereo (one of those mixtrax thingies) and an unmolested LHD padded dash. Do I want to cut the dash (or rather can I be arsed to cut the dash) or shall I shove it in a glove box (will need to buy the cardboard liner first :roll: ) and get a minion to put CD’s in for me.

I can control the stereo with a remote but again will this work?, shall I break out the saw?, why am I even bothering with a stereo in the first place? Does anyone actually listen to their stereo when driving along?

tried mine for a few weeks and after nearly hitting something, f**k that :shock: .... came to mind !!so in the dash now. I use mine daily so may be better when used for the odd trip. having the radio is like a quiz? while driving your trying to guess the song, slow for roundabout you hear it!! and we are all wrong.. pointless over 50. we think.
Works for me, although I wouldn't change CD or anything whilst in motion. I can reach over and adjust the volume if required but that's all I do so far. If you've got a remote then you could probably be quite cute with the placement of this, making things a bit better.

I have no problem with sound over 50mph. Yes, I might turn it up a little more, but with decent speakers it is perfectly audible!
Mines in the glovebox ... its mounted in an under dash mount case thing, thats screwed to the liner, just to protect the unit. To be honest, its just an amp really, the ipod or phone is connected to it via a lead and thats what I use for control as I drive. I had a spare head unit, i didnt have an amp, so I fitted the head unit.

If I needed to use it 'properly' going along, it could be done, but not easily." onclick=";return false;

get one of these, you maybe able to fit it under the dash or as clem said use it in the glove box.
Mines a Kenwood one in the glovebox, works via a supplied remote, absolutely fine for me.

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Don't cut the dashboard!

As above, there are better solutions - either mounting under-dash, or a remote amplifier for an MP3 player.

I only ever use mine on long journeys, as otherwise it's too loud when at a stop, and too quiet when moving :lol:

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