EB wiring looms

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Sep 2, 2011
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I am about to make a new wiring loom for my 71 early and as I wire up trains for a living was thinking of making a few spare looms up at the same time. Would there be much interest in these?

id have been interested 6 months ago, just had to have one made up for my van. there are some already out there, but if you can be more specific to years and customise for certain extra stuff im sure you could find custom. im sure im not the only one whos loom had dissintegrated inside the tube.
I've been looking for a while. Most companies I have spoken to just offer a stock loom - which is no good if you want to customise it to add toggle switches, spot light, heated screen etc.

The ones that say they can customise it for you are either very expensive or just don't bother replying back to you.

So, I have decided just to make my own too and ask the wiring technicians at work to supervise.

Very surprising though - looks like an area of the market that is a bit empty and a good opportunity for someone who will listen and advise their customers :roll:
Give Ron (rocket on hear) a call he makes them to order.
http://www.vwendangeredspecies.co.uk/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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