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Active member
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Colchester, Essex
Hi everyone,

I’m hoping for a bit of advice on upgrading/overhauling my engine. Currently it’s a standard 1600 single port with a Solex PICT 30-2 carb and has done just under 80,000 miles.

I’ve stripped the engine down to the crank case and taken off the cylinder heads, pistons, barrels and head studs.

At the moment my plan is to buy new pistons and barrels (one of the barrels has a couple of snapped cooling fins) and make a few other upgrades along the way. I’m not looking for any big gains in performance (I don’t mind taking a while to get anywhere), but I would like to make the engine as reliable as I can.

So my questions are as follows:

1. I’m planning on getting new pistons and barrels. Can anyone recommend some decent ones? I’ve had a look around the forum and people seem to rate the Mahle forged kit from VW Heritage. Are they worth getting?

2. If I do get new pistons and barrels, is it worth upgrading to 1641cc?

3. Is it worth getting new pistons balanced? If so, how much might this cost?

4. I’ve taken the cylinder heads off and given them a good clean. Is it worth getting them reconditioned by a specialist? Again, how much should I expect to pay for a worthwhile recondition?

5. What is the benefit of getting spring loaded push rod tubes? The non spring loaded ones seem like they would make a more reliable seal against the case and cylinder heads so I think I might just go for them.

6. Are the VW Heritage engine gasket sets decent?

7. Do I need to get new head studs or can I re-use the old ones (will they have stretched, and if they have, is that an issue?)

8. Seeing as I’ve stripped it down this far, should I break open the case and give the whole thing a service? There doesn't appear to be any noticeable end float but I will give it a good check.

9. I’m also planning on switching to electronic ignition with a new coil and HT leads -Any recommendations?

Sorry for the massive list. I’ve not taken an engine apart before so there are loads of questions bouncing around in my head and I’m just getting them all down. Many thanks in advance for any replies.


Tbh dude, just a top end rebuild on a high mileage bottom end isn't advisable...

How would you feel after doing all this work to spin a big end bearing after doing very few miles!!

Best thing to do, is strip the case the rest of the way down... Check the crank tolerances and bearing wear and go from there!!

Ideal time to drop in a new cam for a bit more pep, dynamic balance the crank assembly, and you'll have a nice strong engine!! :smile:
X2 with Paul ;) New bearings and I would slap in a W100 cam too ,It's easy to balance the pistons get a scale,weigh them and make them weigh the same as the lightest one by removing small amount of metal under the piston with a good size drill bit ,do lap the cylinder bases with some valve grinding compound for a good seal ;) ,Full Flow the case for a filter for Long life ;) I would add a deep sump also
stick with 85.5's the 87mm's won't last as long
yes on the rebuild heads at least check to if the guides are worn
stock pushrod tubes are the BEST!!!!
If your going elec dizzy,carry a spare w/points :lol: :lol: :lol:
Cheers for the advice guys. Looks like I'll be stripping it down all the way and getting new bearings in there.

I'll keep you updated on progress and no doubt post a few more questions here