Fog lamps

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Well-known member
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
Cambridge, UK
Toying with the idea of fitting a front fog lamp. A few sites suggest that certain lamp models were fitted to particular classic car models.

Anyone know what we should be fitting?

Or if you know which fog lamps are period correct?
A nice chrome round Bosch lamp should do the trick, but any period lamp should work. P.s. don't forget to buy a bracket from Doris, saves drilling a hole in your bumper.
I have raydyot matching fog and spot fittest to mine. Fog on the off side and spot on the near. I also have a big round Bosch rear fog to fit when I have time..

I am wiring as follows.
Fog via fog light switch which will also trigger the spot on high beam.

Sent from my GX64 SatCom phone using Tapatalk
The Raydyots are really nice.


There are Miller reproduction lamps about, but from having a bit of experience with vintage bike restoration, these reproductions are often cheap Indian made with suspect chrome quality.

The Bosch lamps will be harder to find I reckon and with a price tag!

Anyone heard of ZKW? I'm guessing German/ Austrian.

I have a Notek Brown Spot, spot lamp, NOS boxed, the blue spot ones seem to be more common, look nice:" onclick=";return false;

I'll pull my finder out one day and fit it.

Maybe someone can post up a nice wiring diagramm for anyone who wants to fit one? :msn4: ;)



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