High beam fault.

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Well-known member
May 8, 2011
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Evening all!
Have a problem with my headlights! When I put them on they won't come off high beam.
Indicator stalk appears ok, headlights work ok however they won't go to main beam, only high beam!
Any of you very knowledgeable people out there have any advice?
Sounds like your relay could be the fault
Might be worth swapping it over with a new one unless you can test the switch wire coming from the indicator stalk to make sure the the switch in the stalk isn't knackerd
Check your manual for a wiring diagram
Norm :D
Thanks Norm.
Have. Looked for the relay but can't find it anywhere!
Where should I look for it.
By the fuse box, they have 5 connections on them

Why didn't I buy my bus years ago !?
If you have the OG headlamp relay it will probably look like my old one. These have four pins.
(edit; if its a US import)
I replaced this with a modern five pin relay which has the terminal 30 (battery live) so that I can flash my headlamps when the lights are off or on sidelights.

Headlamp relay

Don't get mixed up with the OG indicator relay which looks like this;
I had a similar problem so bought a new relay but this made no difference ! So took the cover off the old one and found it was quite rusty and not switching properly but after cleaning it with WD40 and fine wet & dry it is working fine, after this success I opened up the new one and found it was out of alignment and wouldn't switch, with a bit of gentle adjustment it's working as it should. Just another example of the poor quality repro stuff we have to put up with and also how good the original kit is and that sometimes it is better to repair than just replace :D
Thanks for all the replies. The plot thickens. I have replaced the relay and no matter which position I set the rocker switch inside the relay the high beam remains on.
Could it be a fault elsewhere? I have had the indicator stalk off recently!
Any suggestions?
I would have a look at the stalk then if you have had it off recently - you might have bent the "flasher stalk" too far back to disengage the high beam - I did this on mine by accident and had to gently bend the stalk back to allow enough movement to switch the main beam back off again!

Could be an easy fix :D
My high beam currently doesnt work at all! I took the stalk apart and found the wire connecting to the high/low beam switch connection snapped (on the solder) Just need to get some solder to re-attach.

Not sure if you checked the inside of the stalk?
Thanks for all your replies.
Looks like it was a case of me being an arse.
At some point a wire had come off from behind the fuse box (far right looking from inside).
Pushed the spade connection back on and "hey presto" like a new un!!!
Least I now have a spare relay!
:roll: :roll: