I have had an ultimatum from the wife!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2008
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Dont wory its not the 'Me or the camper' one, its the you can only get a subscription to Camper and bus, if the old mags are disposed of!! i cant be the only one with 15 years of Volksworlds in the attic? lets just hope my parents dont notice me smuggeling them in to their attic haha.

any one else have this problem?
speaking as somebody who is still *fairly* young (40) but who has been with the same partner for a *fairly* long time (21 years) you will find that there will come a point when she realises that trying to change you is ultimately counter productive. if you want a load of old magazines, or a drive full of early bay beams, or a parrot, who's it hurting ?

it's you, just as your style of clothes is you and your taste in music is you and so on and so on... the sooner she comes to realise this the better it'll be for all of us.

conversely, i have a friend with nearly forty years of plymouth argyle programmes, or rather who had forty years of plymouth argyle programmes, all neatly boxed up and out of the way in the loft, and the minute he got married the first thing his wife did was tip them :shock:

what ? what are you doing ?

he's been going the match since he was a nipper, with his dad, who's no longer with us, treasured memories etc. etc. etc.



keep the magazines, and if necessary get a new wife :wink:

caveat : don't get me wrong, i'm no male chauvinist pig, but there's compromise and then there's unnecessary demands, and if you get rid of the magazines, where are the mice going to nest ? won't somebody think of the mouselings :cry:

edit after reading new posts : NO LIES the secret to a healthy, lengthy relationship is 100% honesty... no hiding O.G. BRMs under sheets in your basement :|
There are no secrets in our relationship, and she knows that after 16 years, I, as a 43 year old male, am not going to change. But women obviously like to point these things out occasionally, don't they? :D
haha its nice to see i'm not the only one, luckily it was my old Beetle that got us together in the first place, I have told her that VW's were here before her and if push come to shove will be with me after her :wink:

If my woman had thrown my mags out when we got married, it would have been a short marage, that would ust be unthinkable, and unforgivable!
I had every Volksworld & Ultra from the last 4 or 5 years and i decided(lack of room) to get rid of mine.
Fellow Vdubber friends of mine have struggled to make ends meet for a few years now so only got a few mags a year.
I gave them all mine.Couldnt bin em though,that would just be wrong :mrgreen:
My loft groans under the weight, I have, what? 3 and a half magazines coming in every month, so they soon mount up .... I box them and loft them, but why? I almost never look back, except when proving a pedantic point over something I suppose ....

My anorak'ism is my Camper and Commercial collection ... every copy, even the two free 'specials' all in binders .... :oops:
Clem said:
My loft groans under the weight, I have, what? 3 and a half magazines coming in every month, so they soon mount up .... I box them and loft them, but why? I almost never look back, except when proving a pedantic point over something I suppose ....

My anorak'ism is my Camper and Commercial collection ... every copy, even the two free 'specials' all in binders .... :oops:

i get ultra vw, volksworld, volksworld camper and bus, camper and commercial, custom car, dice, rods and this, rods and that, rods and indeed the other, various obscure short oval publications, and various things in foreign languages... rods and bikes mostly, with the odd heron or turbine factory thrown in to spice things up, and it's fair to say they're taking over the house. i re- and cross-reference them all the time, to the extent that i know what gadget had round his neck in his T25 feature, how many bricks there were in the arches on your camper & bus photoshoot and so on and so on.

but that leaves no room for novels... no space for fiction.

i fit in the odd one here and there but it's a cross you have to bear isn't it.

funnily enough, you have unwittingly answered one of the great unanswered questions of the 21st century :shock:

i bought the first five issues of camper and commercial off a guy on total vw forum, and he said he'd throw in the 'specials' that came with total vw at the time, but i never knew how many there were, and knowing myself better than anybody, i knew if i found out i didn't have them all i'd have to start some herculean quest, and in the intervening time i've NEVER seen them for sale, anywhere.

there are two.

i have two.

*sing hosanna*

tell you what though, when i saw clem in the reply column i was expecting sarcasm re: me & caroline... you can't be well... have you got the flu ?

cheer up... i've been in the paper carrying a lamb about again :p

edit : how did i forget ultra ?
I'm lucky in the sense that I am single, and so there is no one to nag me about getting rid of my collection! :lol:
The downside is that I am totally overwhelmed by magazines! :shock: They are everywhere! I try and sort them into piles of 'to read' and 'read', but then they get moved and mixed up, and I end up with a big pile 'to sort'! :roll:

I started collecting VW literature from the age of about 7...... and now I'm 42!
As I got older, my hobbies increased, so over the years I've collected all kinds of other magazines and brochures on all manner of subjects. I have stacks of Mini mags, shipping and yachting mags, aircraft mags, all manner of vintage transport mags etc! I just can't bring myself to throw anything out! (I can't think WHY I'm single, ha ha! :mrgreen:)

I'm in the process of boarding out my loft, so my storage capacity will, however, increase big time! 8)
I collect vans not mags ,just bought a 69 camper I am just wondering the best time to tell her ,I think before christmas will be too stressfull.... :?:

It's better collecting mags/vans than other women..... :D
I gave all mine away to a guy down the road two years ago.He had just bought a camper to restore and I had an MG midget.
Thought that was the end of VWs for me ,I had a couple of Beetles in the late 80s-early 90s .Sold them on -had kids got married-bought an house and got into MGs.
But VWs was still in my blood and it got worse the more I saw him progressing with his van.So sold the MG and bought a camper.I was talking to him one day and asked if he still had the mags "Yes do you want them back".."No... but I wouldn't mind having another look at them to give me a couple of ideas"..So he brought them round one day .Two months later He did a moonlight flit and I havent seen him since :) :)
And another thing are we all over 40 on here :lol: :lol:
same probs hence an advert for them a while ago, please note i'm not yet 40 though..........

sacrilige to bin them though!- pass them on to someone who can make use of them.

Ben :D
dandaz said:
I collect vans not mags ,just bought a 69 camper I am just wondering the best time to tell her ,I think before christmas will be too stressfull.... :?:

It's better collecting mags/vans than other women..... :D

cheaper by a long way :lol:

Hello dandaz, funny seeing you here ;)
ground hugger said:
And another thing are we all over 40 on here :lol: :lol:

i had a 'discussion' about grey hairs with a gang of 'kids' outside burger king in truro today, the upshot of which was an 18 year old lad going "**** off, you're never forty" to me... made up i was :mrgreen:
Sounds like a great ultimatum to me, hard to read all of them again when they're in the attic! I keep all the old mags in the ******* at the shop for everyone to read, they get tossed every month or so, found a stack of old FHM and Formula 1 racing mags in the last bus I bought, we've been going through those. I get Hot VWs, Shooting Times, Guns and Ammo, Bicycling, Handguns, and Newsweek every month so good reading material. A friend of mine brought in a Mexican Maxim magazine, if I didn't have a Mexican wife I'd subscribe for sure!!!

I just got 100+ back issues of Hot VW's and VW Trends, I take 'em to shows and sell them for a buck apiece. I forget which issues, but a few restored splits that I restored were featured.

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