Its very easy to spread yourself too thin, which I freely admit to. (Full time job, ongoing house restoration and DIY, two kids, one with some serious medical conditions, the other who is just plain difficult, a couple of rental properties, the VW, two other classic cars, two elderly (20 yr old) 'everyday' cars, a large garden, frequent trips to Ireland to sort the mother in law's 'downsizing' from the family farm, and trying to have some fun days out or short camps and family holidays.)
However - about once a year, I get a few days to go climbing mountains in Scotland with some of the fella's, and that is strenuous as they are pretty keen mountaineers - but possibly the only truly relaxing time over the course of a year. Certainly that's the only time I get to myself.
Chris Evans came out with a great line the other morning:
"The best thing to do with spare time? Keep it spare"
Good line. If only I had some spare time to keep spare, I definitely would :lol: