Lock locks but won't lock?

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Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
Just got a key for my bay from the code, it works all door locks but the passenger door still opens when it should be locked! Any ideas what I should look for?
...there is a tiny spring inside the lock mechanism that is prone to fail - and can cause what you are seeing...

See this thread fmi:

http://forum.earlybay.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=57702&p=482228&hilit=spring+lock#p482228" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I had a similar thought to that of Slow Lane Matt, although I have not heard of that particular problem in a slider lock mechanism. It is usually a cab door issue (and passenger side for reason).

Some questions:

Is the key turning fully? (It should)

Is the lock switch in the 'open' position inside the bus? (it should be in the open position)

Is the handle able to be turned even after the key has been turned? (it shouldn't)

Does the old key work the lock OK? (?)

Maybe with these answers somebody can diagnose the cause? :D

Cheers. I think it's that spring then as it's on the front passenger door. I'll whip it out as soon as I can.
Ping said:
Cheers. I think it's that spring then as it's on the front passenger door. I'll whip it out as soon as I can.

Sorry Ping, I misread your OP. Yep, looks like it is those pesky springs. They are little buggers to put in, you need three hands, one of which ought to be tiny, unlike my hoofs. My missus had the bright idea of tying thread to one end and passing that through the lock mechanism, then pulling on the thread to secure the spring...it only worked didn't it. :oops:

Look up this http://type2.com/rvanness/lock.htmfor a very good guide to doing this. Quite funny too.

I need to sort this as I have the same problem on SuperDry.
I'm gonna start by simply spraying WD40 in there. That stuff fixes many things in my experience! :lol:

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