That's what happens when you use the lowest tender, they had to replace all the M5 crash barriers up my way as they found they were just 6ins in the loose ground. They found out when a lorry went through killing a driver in the opposite lane.
There’s a bridge that goes across from most of Bristol towards Yate on the outskirts of Bristol. A few years back, they decided in their wisdom that it was beyond repair and that we’d all much prefer massive detours while they shut that bridge down. The last motorway closure was to reroute all the utilities that ran through the bridge to under the motorway , to enable this closure to demolish and remove the bridge,, to enable in the future, possibly in the summer, to install a new bridge. All things considered ,,,they should have this little job finished for less than seventy five million pounds , bargain really and total completion in less than a decade. Should qualify for some gross achievement award.
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,Just Gross loss of money and time with no accountability