Medicinal Cannabis?

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2007
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Near Winchester
As a few of you may know my son has a brain tumour, I have been studying medical cannabis for over a year now, to see if it could help him, and am pretty impressed by the effect it has on lots of different conditions. Its sad that its illegal in this country but the rest of the world seems to be realising and changing laws.

I spend a lot of my time talking to people that know and understand its medicinal value and was wondering how many 'normal' ;) people have heard of its medicinal use. So I thought I would ask you lot :D
Sorry to hear about your son.

I've seen it mentioned quite a few times but am afraid that I never really read the articles properly.

The gist that I got was it was pretty positive.
Incase anyone wants to know more, this is well worth checking out :) x x x" onclick=";return false;
sorry mate can't help you with your question but you did make me smile when you say " normal people and i'll ask you lot" :lol: keep up that sense of humour and i hope you sort something out for your lad
I remember there were a lot of users from the MS community. I think they had some press when it was declassified a few years ago, but went quiet again when it was reclassified subsequently :(

So sorry to hear of this :(
Cheers chaps :) You have to keep smiling ;)

Its been 5 years since he was diagnosed now Clem, it was right in the middle of my rebuild. We are sort of used to it but as predicted it is changing now and getting more aggressive. He has had 8 months of chemo that probably hasn't worked so what do we have to lose.

Thanks 'normal' people ;) I really appreciate your feedback x x x
My view is whatever helps the pain whatever is good, my brother who had cancer was on everything Morphine, Ketamine you name it. Cannabis has good reviews, I would look at cannabis tincture you can distill it yourself to be used in a vaporiser or e-cig.
I remember ages ago I asked if anyone suffered from seizures, the evidence both clinical and anecdotal is amazing. Especially for children with Dravet syndrome and intractable epilepsy.

I will try not to get all evangelical about it ;)

I really would like to know how most people see it, I would also like to point out that used medicinally its rarely smoked and you rarely get 'high' Although it is one of very few 'drugs' that people take just for the side effects :)
Here in the Netherlands I know someone with MS who also uses it, it is quite common here.
But I think it's no surprise for anyone who has been in the Netherlands and particularly Amsterdam :mrgreen:
Sorry for your brother, and you Davey x x x

Most people say even from a palliative point of view (thats end of life care) it just makes everything alright <3
My Nephew died 5 years ago from brain tumour, he was at an age where little other than pain killers could help unfortunatly.
I have a relative who is a very clean living church going person. She suffers daily with server pain and uses cannabis as not even the strongest prescription pain killers touch the pain. Her GP mentioned trying it "Off the record".

Im very sorry to hear about your son.
I would do and use anything to make my child more comfortable if I had to make the choice.

Terrible news, sorry to hear of this. I think that whatever makes your sons condition more bearable is all good. Unfortunately there are people that hear the word "drug" and assume its negative, but they are happy enough to take painkillers without a second thought.
I have heard that it has all sorts of positive effects on many conditions, if it works for you, go for it, and maybe EeVeeWee can help you out.......
I've got ankylosing spondylitis and it helps me function massively, much better for me than the opiates like morphine that I'm offered. I write for a living and it helps me keep a much clearer head than the nastier prescription pills. It's supposed to be wonderful for chemo, etc.

Don't know how old your son is but you could make a drink out of it or if he's a grown-up make sure that rather than smoke it he uses a vaporiser (a joint is bad for the lungs). The Magic Flight one off Amazon looks dead expensive at 60 quid but is brilliant and makes like a little 20 quid bag last for ages. I only buy a little bit every now and then.

Most tricky part is getting hold of it (at least around here), I'm dreading the pain I'll be in in late June as I can't take it over the border into France when driving. If you search on Facebook though there are groups of people who use it medicinally that will help you find it. Otherwise I'm sure someone on here can hook you up!

Sorry to hear he has been so unwell, hope his condition improves.
Glad to hear it helps you admwllms <3 I hear a lot about how much it helps pain, MS, Fybro etc etc

You are right it its really good alongside chemo ;) Suppositories are much better than smoking or just edibles although they are a lot stronger. My son is in his 30's never drinks anything other than water, never smoked, all round good bloke but if it helps I am happy to sell my soul for him :)

Consider posting it to yourself ;)
Got a good friend of mine recently gone through a rather aggressive chemo treatment (30 hits in 4 weeks) for and aggressive tumour. Since diagnosis he has been taken cannabis oil capsules and swears by them, that and a ginger infusion or something.

If you google enough, the US government hold patents on the use of medicinal cannabis, yet it is illegal. Makes you wonder why, but there again they do get back handers from the ridiculously expensive medicines supplied by the pharmaceutical companies." onclick=";return false;
Hiya gorgeous, say hello to the rest of the gang from me. What time is Stella o`clock this year ? I`ll make it if I can and if it`s happening. Has your barmy mate bought a decent spirit level yet? And it`s a bloody wonder that the mad steamed up axe woman never chopped her leg off or fell in the fire :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Now they is all thinking W.T.F. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hello Ozzie WTF indeed :lol:

I don't think we will be doing 'the field' this year, with nipper having chem, who knows it might be a last minute thing :)

You will be the first with an invite if we do ;) x x x
Sorry for your brother, and you Davey x x x

Most people say even from a palliative point of view (thats end of life care) it just makes everything alright <3

Thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately it was palliative as Mesothelioma is very aggressive and currently incurable, but I do think it helped.

Very best wishes to your son, you and your family.

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