Met anyone famous ???

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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2009
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skeg vegas
Lets see who on here has met the most famous person ?I met Sue Pollard once,anyone beat that ????
Keith Seume at OktoberFest (he's smaller than I thought :D ).
Been in a lift with Carol Vorderman (worked next door to her appartment).
Work with Garfield from DIY SOS (Nick Knowles IS a cock :lol: ).
Went to school with Dave Bateman from Vice Squad. Sadly Dave is no longer with us.
Years ago I used to live near Nobby Styles and met him a few times as I worked with his wife Top Bloke.
When I was Chefing I once cooked curried prawns for "Rita Faiclough" from the Street but didn't actually meet her :oops:
Oh nearly forgot my sister once served Paul Daniels four hot ring donuts,i know it wasnt me that met him but near enough if you get me!!!!
Met Linda Lusardi when i was 8 :lol: Also met Les Dawson when he was in Panto, and Jim Davidson :lol: :lol:

More recently last year i chatted to a polite, sober Boy George at Liverpool St Station, and I got Dr Whos autograph in Oxford St ( Tom Baker the only true Dr Who from my childhood, the others could never live up to Tom Baker)
have met a few from when i was a motorcycle courier for a professional photographer,
louise redknapp (very small), danni minogue (well sexy), anna friel and natalie imbruglia . cant seem to remember meeting any famous guys. also got to see loads of the page 3 girls during shoots.
Fortunate Son said:
Aled Jones was in my physics class at school. Met Dermot O'Leary at a house party in East Finchley back in 2000 :)

You were at David Hughes? Blimey ... small world!
Dirty Harry said:
Richard Branson years ago at a photoshoot on the Cutty Sark.
Used to work for him so met him a few times,
Pete waterman (again railway stuff)
Just 2 weeks ago met (saw) Oz clarke and Hugh dennis in Hyde park, they were filming Oz does xmas drinks (or something like that, was on tv the other night) and for a split second the daughter was on the tele 8)
The wife has met quiet a few from when she worked in Cobham (chelsea footballers, actors, sports men etc etc)
and at the begining of dec at a cousins wedding, Jimmy white and ronnie wood turned up to the same hotel and had there picture taken with the bride and groom (not sure who were the drunkest :lol: )
tosh, off of the bill used to drink and go to derby match's with my uncle, now both dead, like a bit to much to drink.
i got paul daniels autograph as a child at the american adventure, he asked me what it was worthm i said i have no money :(
geoff capes was a friend of a friends family ..... ture story :D
and when i was 16 i laboured for a drain clearing company and we did alex fergusons mansion ......... never meet him but met what had passed through him :?
I saw Kenny Dagleish waiting at the airport in Murcia waiting to fly back to the uk, and one of my Mum's neighbours in Spain used to be in Led Zeppelin - dont know if he was in the band or maybe was session guitarist maybe, can't remember his "real" name.........I always try to meet up when i visit my Mum, he's real down to earth, and a good laugh!

Worked for a movie locations facilities company a few years back and we worked on a film called red light runners and got to know the main carecters who included Michael Madsen, Harvey Keitel, Crispin Glover and Roy Scheider to name a few.
Harvey Keitel was a nice guy but very private but Michael Madsen was one of your own, always sent his driver to buy us a case of beer at the end of the day and would have a few with us before he went.
It was an amazing film with an amazing plot and included the most expensive car chase ever through the streets of london,the limehouse link and into the dome (when it was empty)
Sadly the film went bust and despite several near restarts was finally canned.

When I was younger and into the late seventys, early eighties mod scene I became mates with Kathy Burke at our local which used to do soul nights.
Talked to David Essex in the eighties......

Was in London with some mates and one of them noticed DE and was awe-struck - I just went up to hima and asked if he was alright (he was buying a paper - think it was early morning) - he was OK to talk too :shock:

My mums aunt (she is an opera singer) married Matt Zimmerman - famous for the '80's 'Rickernbaker' advert for Wrangler jeans - met him once and again, seemed nice.
when i was in majorca last year i gave the pope a lift on the back of my monkeybike! well it might ov been him but i dunno coz i never saw his face :lol:
monkeyvanwestybike said:
when i was in majorca last year i gave the pope a lift on the back of my monkeybike! well it might ov been him but i dunno coz i never saw his face :lol:

Was that you the other night then?
Bit extreme, wasn't it, all you had to do was say "Remember me from majorca...." :lol:
sparkywig said:
monkeyvanwestybike said:
when i was in majorca last year i gave the pope a lift on the back of my monkeybike! well it might ov been him but i dunno coz i never saw his face :lol:

Was that you the other night then?
Bit extreme, wasn't it, all you had to do was say "Remember me from majorca...." :lol:

:lol: :lol:
dick strawbridge from scrapheap,dan pallet sports reporter on midlands today,worked on there 3 girl mates with my sister :shock:

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