Need help identifying where these last 3 bits go

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Yeh I noticed that the screw in the pic went on the opposite side in the same position as the battery earth .
Yeah they look like the earth wires that screw onto the rear of the triangulated support near the hatch.

The other round part looks like the spacer from the engine lid support bar.

Cheers yeh that might be it on the spacer as for the black wire with ring connectors on each end ?i took a pic of the rear light on both sides before disconnecting and there was only one wire coming off the triangle support which then connected to the middle of the light pod but it was brown and short and is still on the the light. I wondered if it was from the Dynamo to the regulator but I have 3 wires on the reg already that go to the Dynamo so not sure ?
Hope you sorted the electrics.

Is that a plastic petrol filter top right in pic?
If so people recommend these are installed nearer the tank & not in the engine bay.
Secondly is the pipe clamp on correctly, it looks like it should be closer to the body of the filter. It may be one with the stepped fitting on it - but just in case.

Hi Phil ,ref the electrics I am waiting to get my tinware back then once the motor is in I will see if it all works,but I can't find any mission electrical points where a wire with ring connectors on each end would need to be . It might be left over from the previous 1915 motor or the turbo motor that was in it .so it may well have not been connected on one end ? Just can't remember. The rubber bush looks like it was screwed to the triangular support shown in the pic with that screw in the same place as the battery Earth on the opposite side .as for the filter it is the stepped type and so the clamp is on the right area but didn't know that it should be on the other side of the fire wall ?

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