New member from hamburg, germany

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marks baywindow

Active member
Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
Hello together,

i'd like to indroduce me to you!

My name is Mark, i'm 32 years ild and from Hamburg, Germany.

Since 12 years i own a 1970 bug with diverse modifications like adjustable front axle, red konis, aluminum door panels, autometer gages, front disc brakes ....

Two years ago i bought my 1970 bay window. I bought him from a guy in northern Germany, who imported the bay from the desert in New Mexico.

The main parts of the body were in really good condition - because of standing in the desert for many years.

Actually the bus is getting a professional paintjob in original design (savanna beige / cloud white).

I hope, that i'll get it back next weekend. The plan is to make him ready for the "Maikäfertreffen" in Hannover.

After all sorry for my bad englisch...

Best regards

Some pictures:



My small garage:

Welcome to the forum dude and look forward to seeing more pictures of your bus
How lucky are you to have such a huge garage :mrgreen:
hey mark, good to hear from you, a no doubt total rust free bus u got ! sounds great ,looks great, please tell me that bike in the pic is NOT a 750cc triple ! your english is soooo much better than my German and i lived in Germany during the 90"s ,must say ,i had a wonderful time ,its a great country, re your bus ,you do your own toolwork?
Hi, great project you got there. 8)

Hamburg is a very nice place, (Beer Festival round the lake) stayed there years ago when me and the missus went to Wolfsburg. :D

Paul. :)
Hello guys,

thanks for your kind words!

Yes, i'm doing the hole toolwork on my own. The only thing which is done not by myself is the paintjob. All the other things like welding and renewing the technical things happens in my 5x5m garage.

Some technical modifications i've done to the bus also: Front disc brake vom CSP (only half an hour from me), front seats from Porsche 924 with three-sixty turn around function....

By the way: the motobike is a 1979 Yamaha XS 750 triple. Bought her summer from the widow of a guy who owned the bike more than the last 15 years! There is some rust at the exhausts, but nothing wild....
Hallo Mark,

Herzlich Wilkommen aus Holland.
I was at Maikäfertreffen in 2011. Very nice show with too many cars to see in one day.
Maybe i'll go again this year.

GIZ59 said:
oh lordy me you gone purchased an xs 750 triple ! not being(2) negative ,>>>>>> Best Of Luck my friend !

Until now it's a thankful bike which makes fun to ride! Ok, the problem with the second gear is known at these type.
Hallo Rick,

ich fahre seit 14 Jahren zu diesem Treffen - bis vor 8 Jahren habe ich direkt in der Nähe gewohnt.

Die Anreise am Tag vorher macht immer Sinn und da ist schon ne Menge los!

Gruß, Mark
Hallo Mark,

Vorteil für die Deutschen ist dass es ein Feiertag ist. Wenn diesen Tag während die Woche ist muss ich dafür einen Tag frei nemen und wenn ich den Tag davor schon Anreise sind es schon 2 Tage. Ich Wohne nah an die Grenze bei Aachen. Ist als also ziemlich weit.
Ist aber die mühe glaube ich. Hoffe dass ich dieses Jahr wieder mit dabei seihen kann. Ich habe auch ein Savannah Beigen T2a.

Hallo Rick,

ja, das stimmt. Bei einer so langen Anreise mit dem Bulli und locker 2 Tagen Urlaub würde ich es mir auch gut überlegen!

Von mir sind es zum Glück nur 2 Stunden.



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