1. I leave a couple of drips of oil on the garage floor over 2 weeks. Is this an acceptable level of drippage or should I aim for bone dry.
Yes that’s acceptable. Dry is an aspiration that few ever achieve.
2. I'm pretty much completely standard engine wise. What's an appropriate top crusing speed. I'm sticking to mid fifties.
That’s about right. Maybe 60 but go on feel and how it sounds etc. If your happy at that speed then you won’t go far wrong.
3. My first car was a mini and like all minis it had a distinctive petrol smell inside. My bus has the same whiff of petrol/old cupboards. Is this normal?
Yep. No air fresheners get rid of old bus smell. Embrace it.
4. The heater control.. designed by Mr Rubik? Is there a favoured setting people use?
Assuming they are connected, the red is hot and blue is cold. Hot depends on the state of your heating system. Cold depends on the weather and how fast you are going.
5. Best awning recommendations? We have a vango thing but it's not very pretty. Not sure we want to go vintage
I use an original canvas Westfalia awning. It’s heavy and complicated but also lovely. I can see the attraction of lightweight inflatable awnings etc but hey, the same applies to modern T6 camper vans right?
6. Any recommendations for a good garage near Hertford to look after the service side?
Try Larry at Retro Custom?
[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.retrocustom.com/mainportal/[/URL]