The Split Screen Van Club will be holding it's annual Autumn Swap
Meet at the Ace Cafe on Saturday, 10th November ’07 this will co-
inside with the Slough Swap meet on the following day so that you
can make a weekend of it.
All are welcome to come and trade however try not to take up more
than your allocated space in front of your vehicle.
The swap meet opens at 10:00 am on Saturday morning and finishes
with the prize giving award at 4:00 pm. All prizes have been kindly
donated by Mandy and Neil Melliard at Pro-sign.
To avoid disappointment please arrive on time if you want a trading
space and remember, as always air cool vw's get priority park in the
car park
For more information please contact the Ace Café on 0208 961 1000 or
Rikki James on 07802 884 583
Meet at the Ace Cafe on Saturday, 10th November ’07 this will co-
inside with the Slough Swap meet on the following day so that you
can make a weekend of it.
All are welcome to come and trade however try not to take up more
than your allocated space in front of your vehicle.
The swap meet opens at 10:00 am on Saturday morning and finishes
with the prize giving award at 4:00 pm. All prizes have been kindly
donated by Mandy and Neil Melliard at Pro-sign.
To avoid disappointment please arrive on time if you want a trading
space and remember, as always air cool vw's get priority park in the
car park
For more information please contact the Ace Café on 0208 961 1000 or
Rikki James on 07802 884 583